CH4LLENGE will organise 5 universities that are aimed at students and young professionals from fields relevant to SUMP like transport planning, urban planning, engineering, environmental studies etc.
The events will take place in English and are open to interested students and young professionals from all over Europe. Every CH4LLENGE university participant will receive a set of lecture notes and a certificate for participation.
The courses will last two days and will comprise both lectures and interactive workshops.
Statement of Accomplishment: Each participant will receive a Statement of Accomplishment for participation in the course issued by the project CH4LLENGE and signed by the recognised expert in SUMP, the German consultancy Rupprecht Consult. Attendance of all course elements, active participation in the activities and completion of the workshop tasks are required for receiving the diploma.
Course fee: The course is for free. Travel and accommodation costs have to be covered by the students.
To apply for the course, please fill in the registration form. Participants will be informed about their participation in the beginning of September.