How do the visual and the virtual relate to each other, what are the relationships between image and truth?
How can the visual be veridical, and how is the really real reflected by virtual reality?
How are images handed down, and what do traditions amount to in the network age? A konferencia kapcsolódik a Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetemen 2009 óta, immár hetedik éve működő Visual Learning Lab rendezvényeihez:
a havonta megrendezett szemináriumszerű műhelyülések mellett évente sorra kerülő nemzetközi konferencia is.
E konferenciák előadásainak válogatott és lektorált írásos változatai jelennek meg évről évre a Series Visual Learningben, a Peter Lang kiadó gondozásában. Invited speakers:
James E. Katz (Boston University)
Petra Aczél (Corvinus University of Budapest) Zoltán Kövecses (Eötvös Lóránd University of Budapest) Philipp Stoellger (Universität Heidelberg) Kristóf Nyíri (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
9:00–9:30 Dr. György ANDOR, Dean, BME GTK Dr. György MOLNÁR, Head, Department of Technical Education SESSION 1
Chair: Láng, Benedek
9:30–10:00 LÁNG, Benedek
Scientific and Magical Visualization in Medieval Manuscripts:
Is the Visual more Veridical than the Textual?
10:00–10:30 STOELLGER, Philipp
“In Images We Trust”: On Belief in Images as the Real Reality
10:30–11:00 HUBBES, László Attila
Revolution of the Eye: The Spectacular Rhetoric of the Apocalyptic from Revelation to New Age Millenarianism
11:00–11:20 COFFEE BREAK
Chair: Benedek, András
11:20–11:50 BENEDEK, András
Visual Learning and Open Content Development (OCD)
11:50–12:20 ZORMAN, Rachel
Utilizing Visual Learning to Identify and Nurture.
Hidden Talent in Science and Visual Art
12:20–12:50 ZEMPLÉN, Gábor
The Visual Rhetoric of Newton's Diagrammatic carriers
12:50–13:20 MOKTEFI, Amirouche
Visual Thinking in Mathematics: an Instrumental View
13:20–14:00 LUNCH
POSTER SESSION 1: POSTER-STORM (5 min. / presentation)
Chair: Veszelszki, Ágnes
14:00–15:20 AMBRUS, Laura
Categorization of Digital Memes from the Cognitive Linguistic Perspective BALOGH, Andrea Virtuality and (In)visibility in Video Games CSORDÁS, Hédi Virág Verity in picture and text. Visual argumentation in the Hungarian Competition Authority’s proceedings ENDRŐDY-NAGY, Orsolya Images and Iconography – in Cross-cultural Context GYARMATHY, Ákos Is Visual Learning Bayesian? Uncertainties in Modelling Visual Belief Updates HAVASMEZŐI, Gergely The Roles of Images in Online Newspapers HORTOVÁNYI, Judit The Veracity of Adolescent Drawings HORVÁTH CZ., János Microcontents – a Real Life Case JÁSZ, Borbála Learn to Live. Visual Aspects of Architectural Propaganda in the 20th Century NÁDASI, Eszter Webvideos and Medicine: The Case of Infertility Treatments on YouTube SOBCZAK, Anna Are Metaphors realized only in Language? Analysis of Multimodal Metaphors in TV Commercials SZABÓ, Krisztina Developing Online Educational Texts Regarding Contemporary Reading Strategies VIRÁG, Ágnes Realism as Part of the PART FOR THE WHOLE metonymy
VISUAL LEARNING: Virtual – Visual – Veridical. 7th Visual Learning Conference SESSION 3
Chair: Katz, James E.
15:20–15:50 KATZ, Rachel A.
Finding Tinderella: Romance and Authenticity on American Dating Apps
15:50–16:20 VESZELSZKI, Ágnes
Verbal and Visual Aggression in Trolling
16:20–16:50 KATZ, James E. – HALPERN, Daniel Image Self-involvement and Romantic Relationships: The Case of Selfies
16:50–17:10 COFFEE BREAK
Chair: Molnár, György
17:10–17:40 ZÉTÉNYI, Tamás – É. KISS, Katalin Preschoolers' Interpretation of Graphic versus Photographic Illustrations
17:40–18:10 MOLNÁR, György
Digital and Virtual Forms of Life in Information Society trapped in Visuality and New Media Systems. Their Effect on Teaching and Learning Process POSTER SESSION 2
18:10–18:30 All poster presenters
Saturday, November 12, 2016
Chair: Kövecses, Zoltán
9:30–10:00 KÖVECSES, Zoltán
What counts as literal meaning? A radical (?) view
10:00–10:30 MRAS, Gabriele M.
Perception, Judgement, Truth
10:30–11:00 KOZAK, Piotr
Epistemology of Thinking with Images
11:00–11:20 COFFEE BREAK
Chair: Nyíri, Kristóf
11:20–11:50 DELI, Eszter
Images and Argumentation
11:50–12:20 CLOAKE, Samuel
Self-conscious Visual Experience – the Limits of Representationalism
12:20–12:50 DANKA, István
The Pictorial, the Virtual and the Trivial. On Pictorial Realism and Relativism
12:50–13:20 NYÍRI, Kristóf
Pictorial Truth
13:20–14:00 LUNCH
14:00–15:00 All poster presenters
Chair: Aczél, Petra
15:00–15:30 BÁRÁNY, Tibor
Visible Content and Depictive Content. What is showed and what is implicated
15:30–16:00 CRIPPEN, Matthew
Truth, Lies and Myth in Film: The Apologetics of Pleasantville
16:00–16:30 DOMOVSKI, Vladimir – PUSKAREVIC, Irma Creative Approach to Visual Learning: The Use of Filmmaking Techniques
16:30–17:00 ACZÉL, Petra
Beyond Persuasion: Rhetoric in a Virtual World CONFERENCE CLOSING
17:00–17:20 Concluding discussion
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