“The contribution of BME’s representatives supporting foreign students is highly welcome”
2019. April 09.
BME’s “honorary consuls” were invited to a workshop offering varied cultural and professional programmes to the participants.
2019. April 09.
BME’s “honorary consuls” were invited to a workshop offering varied cultural and professional programmes to the participants.
2019. March 22.
BME hosted its fifth international space conference including presentations from renowned foreign and Hungarian experts.
2019. March 21.
Over 500 students, visitors and embassy representatives filled the hall of Building K
2019. March 14.
The results of BME’s researchers played a key role in the development of a modern insulin applicator for diabetic patients.
2019. February 28.
A total of eighty students received their diplomas at a celebration at the end of their studies at BME’s English-language Bachelor’s and master’s programmes.
2019. February 27.
BME’s staff members shared information on major grant programmes aimed at allowing participants to spend part of their studies, train and take part in short-term study visits abroad.
2019. February 21.
Significant discoveries involving the MTA-BME Lendület (“Momentum”) Spintronics Research Group (PROSPIN)
2019. January 31.
Following its resounding success at CES, the game, jointly developed by BME and the Nokia Bell Labs in Budapest, is about to be showcased in several international conferences.
2019. January 05.
Steel wedding chapel designed by BME educated architect couple features in international design magazine.
2019. January 04.
The mathematical, historical and personal background of code-breaking discussed at one of the key events of the Hungarian Science Festival.
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