2021. September 01.
This communique contains the steps taken by the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Updated: 01 September, 2021
01 September, 2021
The following document - that has been provided by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology - contains important information and guidelines on
- rules of entry to Hungary,
- application and procedure for vaccination,
- application for certificates of protection.
All those who have not yet arrived to Hungary are kindly requested to process their travel accordingly.
BME also encourages you to obtain vaccination and certificate of protection, if applies.
20 July, 2021
The Rector-Chancellor Joint Order Nr. 8/2021. (VII. 20.) modified the Action Plan and protection measures. The Order and the accordingly updated Action Plan are contained in this document.
08 March, 2021
The University, subject to the provisions of the Government Decree on the temporary enhanced protection measures and at the request of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, will temporarily introduce enhanced epidemiological protection measures from 8 March 2021. Enhanced epidemiological measures are implemented in the Rector-Chancellor Joint Order Nr. 1/2021. (III. 8.). We call all citizens of the University to contribute to the success of the epidemological protection by their responsible behavior!
11 February, 2021
The Government of Hungary has extended the emergency situation until March 2021. It means that BME will continue the education in an online form (all education activities are being held online, including the semester registration, subject registration, and study activities such as seminars, lectures, etc.). Although at this moment we have no proper information when we can return to presential education, BME is working on the plan for such situation ("reopening") also considering the special case of those staying abroad, and will inform you shortly. BME will make an effort that every student can successfully complete his/her semester.
19 November, 2020
In order to reduce the risk of the coronavirus epidemic, to protect the life, health, personal, property and legal security of university citizens, to implement the second-phase protection measures defined in the Government Decree Nr. 484/2020. (XI.10.), and to ensure the continuity and sustainability of study activities, and taking into account the measurements prescribed in "Sectoral Recommendation for the Digital Organization of Higher Education Training in State of Emergency" issued on November 12, 2020, the Action Plan of the University is regulated by Rector-Chancellor Joint Order issued on November 16, 2020.
Rector-Chancellor Joint Order Nr. 13/2020. (XI. 16.)
On the epidemiological protection measures of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, to be applied during the state of emergency
Effective date: November 16, 2020
Measurements and regulations repealed at the time of entry into force: as defined the Order.
Important note: this document is translation of the official Hungarian document of Rector-Chancellor Joint Order Nr. 13/2020. (XI.13.). In case of any mistranslation or deviation between the Hungarian and English versions are recognized, the Hungarian version applies.
- technical compliance: Directorate of Academic Affairs, Rector’s Cabinet
Directorate of Student Services (HSZI), Chancellery
- legal compliance: Directorate of Legal Affairs
Responsible: Dr. Péter Bihari director for academic affairs, Gábor Nagy director of HSZI
Publisher: Dr. János Józsa Rector, Attila Kotán Chancellor
Pursuant to the authorization received in (1) of Section 41 of the Organizational and Operational Regulations of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, pursuant to (2) of Section 13 of Act CCIV of 2011 on National Higher Education (as Rector), pursuant to (2) of Section 13/A of Act CCIV of 2011 on National Higher Education (as Chancellor), in order to reduce the risk of the coronavirus epidemic, to protect the life, health, personal, property and legal security of university citizens, to implement the second-phase protection measures defined in the Government Decree Nr. 484/2020. (XI.10.), and to ensure the continuity and sustainability of study activities, and taking into account the measurements prescribed in “Sectoral Recommendation for the Digital Organization of Higher Education Training in State of Emergency” issued on November 12, 2020, the following joint order is issued:
Section 1 [Personal scope of the order]
(1) The personal scope of this order extends
a) persons with a student legal status at the University (hereinafter: student);
b) a person who is no longer in a student legal status at the University in respect of the administration of his or her affairs related to the terminated student legal status (hereinafter: former student);
c) all organizational units involved in education or the organization of education, all instructors, researchers and teachers, as well as persons performing teaching and educational organization tasks (hereinafter collectively: instructor); and
d) persons who have a legal employment status at the University, as well as persons who work under a contractual legal relationship in the territory of the University (hereinafter collectively: an employee).
(2) The personal scope of this order also extends to persons residing in the territory of the University or, in connection with the purpose of entry, intending to enter the territory of the University.
Section 2 [Subject and territorial scope of the order]
(1) The subject of this order covers the epidemiological protection activities of the University.
(2) The territorial scope of this order covers all institution areas of operation and training, as well as its premises, all facilities maintained and operated by the University, including the dormitories specified in the Remuneration and Allowance Regulations.
Section 3 [Epidemiological Action Plan]
(1) Epidemiological protection at the University shall be organized and implemented in accordance with the provisions of the Action Plan set out in Annex 1.
(2) Application, compliance with and enforcement of the measure of the “ Sectoral Recommendation for the Digital Organization of Higher Education Training in State of Emergency” issued by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology as of 12 November 2020 (hereinafter: the Sectoral Recommendation) – with the exceptions included in the Action Plan – are mandatory throughout the University.
(3) Deviations from the requirements of the Sectoral Recommendation may be made only if expressly provided for in the Action Plan. If the Action Plan sets a stricter requirement (higher level of protection) than the Sectoral Recommendation, the Action Plan shall apply.
(4) Intentional violation of the provisions of the Action Plan shall result in disciplinary liability.
Section 4 [Coordination of the epidemiological protection]
(1) The University has a Coordination Committee for the coordinated and effective organization of epidemiological control.
(2) The Coordination Committee is chaired by the Rector and the Chancellor.
(3) Members of the Coordination Committee
a. the Vice-Rectors;
b. the General Vice-Chancellor;
c. the Head of the Rector's Office (Head of Cabinet);
d. the Head of the Chancellery Office (Head of Cabinet);
e. the Director of Academic Affairs;
f. the Director of International Academic Affairs;
g. the Director of the Student Services Directorate;
h. the President of the University Student Representation; and
i. the Head of the Property Protection and Institutional Security Department.
(4) The Director of Academic Affairs shall be the Secretary of the Coordination Committee.
(5) The Coordination Committee shall propose to the Rector and the Chancellor the establishment of epidemiological measures and shall propose the Rector to take a decision.
Section 5 [Amending provisions]
The following documents shall be repealed:
a) Action Plan – to organize activities related to study work and training at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in the Fall Semester of the academic year 2020/2021, during the epidemiological preparedness period ordered due to the epidemic situation caused by the new coronavirus, issued in Rector-Chancellor Joint Circular Nr. 2/2020. (IX.1.);
b) modified Action Plan – to organize activities related to study work and training at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in the Fall Semester of the academic year 2020/2021, during the state of epidemiological preparedness ordered due to the epidemic situation caused by the new coronavirus, issued in Rector-Chancellor Joint Circular Nr. 3/2020 (IX.28.);
c) Rector’s Circular Nr. 1/2020. (VII.22.) on the organization of the Fall semester of the academic year 2020/21.
Section 6 [Final and entry into force provisions]
(1) This Order shall enter into force on November 16, 2020.
(2) This Order is maintained by the Rector's Office.
(3) This Order is available on the central website of the University (www.bme.hu) on the “New information on the coronavirus” page, as well as on the website of the Rector's Office, at https://rektori.bme.hu/content/utasitasok_korlevelek_tajekoztatok
Budapest, 16 November, 2020.
Dr. János Józsa Attila Kotán
Rector Chancellor
Annex 1
Action Plan
- Introductory provisions
- The Government Decree Nr. 278/2020. (XI. 3.) issued by the Government of Hungary declared a state of emergency in the whole territory of Hungary, and – in the Government Decree Nr. 484/2020. (XI.10.) on second-phase protection measures during the state of emergency – ordered further protection measures to be applied in higher education.
- The Ministry of Innovation and Technology, with the authorization received in (3) (b)[1] of Section 64 of the Act CCIV of 2011 on National Higher Education, issued provisions to higher education institutions, entitled “Sectoral Recommendation for the Digital Organization of Higher Education Training in State of Emergency” (hereinafter: Sectoral Recommendation).
- The purpose of this Action Plan is to establish a uniform procedure for the completion of certain activities of the University during the state of epidemiological preparedness, to reduce the risks associated with the coronavirus epidemic.
- General protection measures
- Only healthy persons who do not show symptoms of coronavirus infection may enter the University, if his/her body temperature does not exceed the level determined by the national chief physician, which is checked by the University by measuring body temperature before entering.
- The University will refuse entry if the body temperature of the person intending to enter exceeds the prescribed value, or the person does not wear a mask or does not wear it properly.
Each person is obliged to check the symptoms on a daily basis before entering the University. Persons showing symptoms shall report the fact of having symptoms as follows:
- employee or instructor shall immediately notify his/her immediate superior of the fact of having symptoms;
- student, former student shall declare the fact of having symptoms in the study administration system (NEPTUN) on the form provided for this purpose (request Nr. 088).
- A person who detects symptoms on himself/herself is prohibited to enter the University within 10 days (home quarantine).
If the coronavirus infection is confirmed, epidemiological isolation or surveillance (voluntary or official quarantine) is required, or if the infection has ceased or the employee or student has recovered from the coronavirus disease
- the employee and the instructor shall immediately notify his immediate superior of this fact;
- the student or former student reports this fact in the study administration system (NEPTUN) on the form provided for this purpose (request Nr. 088).
- The University shall notify the epidemiological authority of the confirmed coronavirus infection.
- If an employee or instructor is unable to enter the territory of the University due to the presence of symptoms, epidemiological surveillance or isolation (voluntary quarantine, official quarantine) or a confirmed infection, he / she shall perform his / her duties within the framework of distance working order (home office), if his / her state of health and the duties to be performed allow and the employer permits it.
- Student or former student with the presence of symptoms, epidemiological surveillance or isolation (voluntary quarantine, official quarantine) or a confirmed infection, is prohibited to enter the University; and if the required position of the isolation is the dormitory, he/she is obliged to stay in the dormitory.
- It is mandatory to maintain a safety distance of at least 1.5 meters in the University's internal community premises (corridor, gangways, catering areas, libraries, customer rooms, other residing rooms) [Sectoral Recommendation: 1.7.]
- Wearing of protective mask covering both the mouth and the nose (hereinafter: mask or protective mask) is mandatory throughout the University, indoors, as well as at outdoor [Sectoral Recommendation: 1.4.].
- Adherence to personal hygiene requires necessary and responsible civic behaviour on the part of all citizens of the University. This includes frequent soap or alcohol hand sanitization, adherence to cough etiquette and avoiding unnecessary contact with the face, and adherence to the rules for using the mask covering mouth and nose. Whenever possible we draw the attention of all persons visiting the University to the observance of the hygienic rules, and we expect the law-abiding behaviour. In order for the visitors of the University to be able to participate in education and work at the appropriate physical distance, the University publishes signs about this, and places hand disinfection equipment and draws attention to them with a visible sign (painting, warning signs) (in libraries, canteens, catering areas, study offices, etc.).
- In high-traffic public areas (e.g. corridors, elevators, staircases, restrooms, kitchenettes), the University – through the organizational unit responsible for cleaning the area – assures cleaning of the often used (touched) surfaces with a virucidal surface disinfectant of appropriate intensity and frequency.
- In order to reduce the concentration of possible pathogens indoors - even in the case of the use of artificial ventilation - special attention should be paid to continuous and regular natural ventilation with increased intensity, opening of doors and windows, the implementation of which is the duty of room users.
- Pursuant to Act I of 2004 on sports and sport facilities of universities, the University's sports facilities may be visited by professional athletes for training or sports events, in accordance with the rules laid down in the Government Decree and the rules laid down by the sports federation for the duration of the epidemic emergency. On the outdoor sports fields of the institution, the practice of individual leisure sports activities - especially running, walking, cycling - is permitted in accordance with the provisions of the Government Decree.
- It is not obligatory to wear a mask during individual outdoor sports activities.
- The sports facilities of the University may not be visited for purposes and reasons other than those set out in point 14.
- A person who violates the regulations, by his behaviour endangers those around him (e.g. coughs to others), does not wear a mask despite the regulations or does not wear it properly (covering both mouth and nose), or does not intentionally maintain the prescribed safety distance, should be called to stop the act. If the summons is unsuccessful, the Department of Property and Institutional Security shall be notified at the phone number +36-1-463-4444 (44-44 in internal network). The staff of the Department of Property and Institutional Security will take the necessary measures.
- Special provisions for the organization of education
- In-person study activities cannot be held or organized in the territory of the University – with the exception of paragraph 2. Education must be organized and provided continuously in the framework of distance education work order.
- In-person study activity may be held if the Minister responsible for higher education has given permission for it. The Rector publishes information on the permitted in-person study activities. The provisions of this section shall be complied with during authorized in-person sessions.
- During the in-person study activities a safety distance of at least 1.5 meters shall be ensured between students. All participant are obliged to wear mask in the place of the in-person study activity.
- During the in-person study activities, the general protection measures set out in Section II shall be observed and complied with. It is the instructor's responsibility to ensure the compliance with the measures.
- In-person study activities may be held only in a room (classroom, laboratory) where increased intensity of natural (re) ventilation and fresh air supply is provided.
- The organizational unit (department) responsible for the classroom should endeavor to clean the classrooms used for in-person activities with a virucidal detergent as often as possible.
The general protection measures apply to the students and lecturers participating in any practical training and internships held at the University during the Fall Semester. The following requirements must be observed during the practical training:
- Before starting the practical training, it is mandatory to prescribe soap hand washing or alcoholic hand disinfection, the conditions of which must be provided at the training site. During the training, it is recommended to maintain a protective distance of 1.5 meters, wearing a mask is mandatory.
- Compulsory pre-training education (fire and occupational safety, data protection and hygiene trainings) should be provided online if possible. If this is not possible, it must be organized in accordance with the rules for in-person sessions.
- It is necessary to prepare the schedule of students in advance, thus reducing the number of students simultaneously present. On the first day of the practical training, the student must undergo pre-triage (preliminary risk assessment), in accordance to Annex 2.
- During the internship and practical training, the instructor’s primary duty is to continuously monitor the proper use of personal protective equipments.
- During the practical training, the devices are disinfected with a virucidal surface disinfectant by the instructor or a person authorized by him / her, provided that this does not damage the devices.
- The rules for internships and practical training must be followed both at the internal and external training sites. Surface disinfection must be provided between groups of students in the rooms.
- During the in-person laboratory exercises, it is recommended to maintain a protective distance of 1.5 meters, and wearing a protective mask is obligatory. At the end of the laboratory practice, the instructor in charge of the practice (or the person asked by him/her) is obliged to clean the used devices with a virucidal disinfectant, provided that it does not damage the devices. If the device cannot be disinfected, the educational unit (department) provides students with disposable protective gloves during the laboratory practice.
- Special rules for attendance and written assessments of academic achievements
- In-person academic performance assessment – including the final exam, complex exam – cannot be held or organized in the first semester of the academic year 2020/2021, from 16 November 2020, with the exception of point 2.
- In exceptional cases, at the request of the dean, a final examination may be organized in the in-person form, if the rector gives permission.
- Academic performance assessments in the form of distance education work order shall be conducted in accordance with the guidelines established by the University Study Committee.
- Access for review of the evaluation of the submitted work (especially midterms) shall be provided; during personal presence review, the safety rules must be complied with.
- Requirements for events
- Student and other events – not directly related to education – requiring the personal presence of the participants are prohibited.
- Language examination organized by the Foreign Language Center does not qualify as an event, so it can be held in accordance with the provisions of Section 4 of the Sectoral Recommendation.
- Dormitory accommodation measures
- Dormitories of the higher education institution will be closed in accordance with the Government Decree. With the exception of paragraph 2, everyone shall be permanently removed from the dormitory.
- Exceptions to the compulsory dormitory removal may be established by the Rector at the request of the student.
- A displaced student may use dormitory accommodation only on the night before the day of the examination or on the day of the examination at the daily fee of the given dormitory, if he / she completes the final examination in person. This intention must be notified in writing to the Student Services Directorate at least five days before the due date.
- Persons remaining in the dormitory shall comply with the rules of conduct set out in this section during their stay.
- The University reserves the right to designate a dormitory other than their current one for students who remain in the dormitory.
- Students are required to act in accordance with basic epidemiological protection measures in the area of dormitories (in particular: wearing a mask, maintaining a protective distance of 1.5 meters, staying in a room with as few people as possible). The student or any person in the dormitory is obliged to provide his / her own protective mask.
- It is forbidden to hold events in the area of dormitories. No gathering is allowed in the dormitory.
- It is mandatory to wear a mask in the dormitory, only students living alone in their own room can dispose of it in their own room.
- The student may not receive visitors, guests or hotel guests in the dormitory.
- Upon moving in, the student must complete a questionnaire, based on the results of which the University may require the student to perform a SARS-CoV-2 test (PCR test). In case of positive test results, the student can move into his / her place only if he / she has two negative tests repeated within 48 hours. The University may refuse to move in if the negative tests come from an unreliable source or there is a suspicion of fraud.
- If a student recognizes any symptoms of the coronavirus, he / she is obliged to report it to the caregiver immediately and to stay in the community areas of the college as little as possible.
- The student is obliged to indicate if he / she notices any extra cleaning needs in his / her room, or in the common areas of the dormitory. He/she must also indicate if the hand sanitizer has run out somewhere.
- When entering the territory of dormitories, the body temperature of the person entering must be checked once a day.
- If a student is suspected of being infected, the dormitory caretaker, or in case of impediment, the dormitory mentor on duty must immediately arrange for the student and his / her roommates to be placed in a separate room, complying with the appropriate protection measures. The person acting must report the case to the director of the Directorate of Student Services, who shall comply with his / her obligation to report the suspected cases to the territorially competent epidemiological authority.
- Dormitory infrastructure measures
Taking into account the official recommendations effective during the state of epidemiological preparedness, the University dormitories are opened with the following protection measures:
- Surfaces frequently touched by dormitory residents, such as cabinets, handles, knobs and light switches, must be disinfected, and care must be taken to ensure the cleanliness of bathrooms and restrooms.
- Information and precautionary stickers must be displayed in common areas and rooms (washbasins, corridors, etc.).
- In justified cases, taking into account the risk of the epidemic, dormitory services may be restricted, and certain persons may be excluded if they are at risk of being infected with the coronavirus.
- Measures for the dormitory accommodation of foreign students
- Foreign students receiving dormitory places are accommodated in accommodation rented by the University from an external service provider (hereinafter: rented dormitories).
- Requirements set out in Section VI shall also apply to rented dormitories.
- The University shall, if absolutely necessary, ensure the accommodation of foreign students in home quarantine in rented places.
- If a foreign student is suspected of being infected, the operator of the rented dormitory shall immediately take measures to isolate the student concerned, at the same time notifying the director of the Directorate of the Student Services and the competent epidemiological authority.
- If a student requests a SARS-CoV-2 test (PCR test), he / she must report this need to the BME International Mentor Team.
- Students who have been placed in official house quarantine by the competent epidemiological authority may leave their accommodation units (consisting of the living room and the associated social block) only with the permission of the quarantine authority.
Annex 2 – Risk screening (pre-triage) questionnaire for entering BME, for in-person assessment of academic achievement
Have you recognized and of the symptoms listed below in the last three days?
- fever (body temperature above 37.5 ° C);
- headache, malaise, weakness, muscle aches;
- dry cough, shortness of breath, rapid breathing;
- sore throat, loss of smell / taste;
- nausea, vomiting, diarrhea?
- Have you been in contact with a patient with a confirmed coronavirus infection in the last 14 days?
- In the last 14 days, have you had any contact with a person who has been placed in official quarantine on suspicion of coronavirus infection?
- Have you been abroad or received a guest from abroad within 14 days?
- In the last 14 days, have you had contact with a person who had a fever, cough, or shortness of breath?
If necessary, a SARS-CoV-2 test (PCR test) is recommended.
The data collection will take place using the following form: BME Pre-triage questionnaire
November 16, 2020, BME Pandemic Action Plan
[1] Nftv. 64. § (3) The tasks of the Minister related to the development of higher education – with the assistance of the Minister responsible for the coordination of science policy – are: b) to examine training problems in higher education, to develop solutions, to create professional conditions for national student competence measurement,
17 November, 2020
Changes affecting the order of the Fall Semester of the academic year 2020/21, effective from 16 November 2020
The Government – through the Government Decree 484/2020. (XI.10.) Section 14 subsection (1), on the second phase of protection measures to be applied in the event of the state of emergency – ordered that education in a higher education institution shall be continued within the framework of digital education.
Pursuant to the Government Decree, and in accordance to the Code of Studies (CoS) Section 13/A. subsection (4), all study activities (study sessions, study performance evaluation) must be organized and carried out in the form of distance education work order.
Working days exchanged to holidays as a result of the extraordinary holiday ordered by the Rector’s Order 3/2020. (XI. 10.) results in a drop of working days from the semester, endangering the conduct of study activities and performance evaluations announced for the semester and the proper evaluation of students' study work.
The provision contained in Section 2 subsection (2) of the Rector's Order on the Extraordinary Educational Breaks allows summative academic performance assessments lost due to the break to be retained at a later date. Pursuant to the authorization received in regulations Section 233/A subsection (1) of CoS, I authorize that academic performance assessments originally announced for 13 November 2020 (Friday) may – in contrary to the Section 91 subsection (5) of CoS – also take place on 27 November 2020 (Friday), which is intentionally holiday due to the Open Day, and certain study activities (especially laboratory practices) may be supplemented in the form of distance education with prior notice to the students concerned.
Budapest, November 15, 2020.
Dr. János Józsa
17 November, 2020
Dear BME Citizen,
Certain restrictions on entering BME's territory are made in force because of the provisions due to the coronavirus. According to the new rules:
In the Northern part of the campus, access of the campus is only possible through the main entrance of Building CH and main entrance of Building K. All gates at Street Bertalan will be closed for pedestrians.
In the Middle Campus Area, only the gate at the Street Stoczek is open for vehicles as well as pedestrians.
Buildings Q and I can be reached at their main entrance.
Please note that all internal gates of the buildings are open.
11 November, 2020
Rector’s Order No. 3/2020 (November 10, 2020)
Regarding extraordinary school holiday
in force as of: 10 November, 2020
Measurements and regulations repealed at the time of entry into force: -
- technical compliance: Rector’s Office
- legal compliance: Directorate of Legal Affairs
Responsible: Dr. Péter Bihari, Director for Academic Affairs
Publisher: Dr. János Józsa, Rector
Considering the Government Decree No. 478/2020. (XI. 3.) declaring state of emergency, and on the basis of the authorization provided by Section 1.12 of the measures prescribed by “Sectorial recommendation on the organization of higher education during the state of emergency” announced on November 6, 2020 by the responsible Ministry of Innovation and Technology, and in accordance with the regulation concerning my scope of duties pursuant to (1)-(2) of Section 13 of Act CCIV of 2011 on National Higher Education, I hereby publish the following order to enhance the necessary epidemiological protection measures and convert to distance education work order:
- Objective and scope
- This order establishes regulations of educational work, including preparation for effective distance education work order.
- This order applies
- to any person with a student’s legal status with the University (hereafter “students”)
- to any person with ceased student’s legal status, with current administrative issues regarding their former student’s status (“former students”)
- to any organizational unit, instructor, researcher and professor or person with teaching and education management duties (“instructor”).
- Provisions regarding organization of educational work
- In form of extraordinary break ordered by the Rector, all types of educational activities are suspended at all levels and forms of training on 11 and 13 November, 2020.
- Educational activities planned for the holiday periods indicated in (1) are not subjects to retakes.
- Assessments of academic achievements planned for the holiday periods indicated in (1) can be conducted later, taken that students are informed at least 5 working days prior to the retake date and ensuring that other assessment activities are not planned for that time.
- Due dates of formative assessments in accordance to (1/b) of Section 109 of the Code of Studies (e.g. home work submissions), originally planned for the days indicated in (1) are to be extended by 5 working days.
- Closing provisions
- This measure shall enter into force on November 10, 2020. and shall expire on January 31, 2021.
- This order is supervised by the Rector’s Office.
- This order is published on the website of BME (www.bme.hu/en), at “New information on the coronavirus”, also on the website of the Rector’s Office: https://rektori.bme.hu/content/utasitasok_korlevelek_tajekoztatok
Budapest,10 November, 2020.
Dr. János Józsa
Rector’s Order No. 3/2020 (November 10, 2020)
6 October, 2020
Rector-Chancellor Joint Circular Nr. 2/2020. (IX. 1.)
Action Plan
to organize activities related to study work and training at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in the Fall Semester of the academic year 2020/2021, during the state of epidemiological preparedness ordered due to the epidemic situation caused by the new coronavirus
Consolidated version, considering modification of the Rector-Chancellor Joint Circular Nr. 3/2020 (IX.28.)
Effective date: September 1, 2020
Measurements and regulations repealed at the time of entry into force: Rector-Chancellor Joint Circular Nr. 1/2020 (VIII. 31.) on Action Plan to organize activities related to study work and training at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in the Fall Semester of the academic year 2020/2021, during the state of epidemiological preparedness ordered due to the epidemic situation caused by the new coronavirus.
Important note: this document is translation of the official Hungarian document of Rector-Chancellor Joint Circular Nr. 2/2020. (IX. 1.). In case of any mistranslation or deviation between the Hungarian and English versions are recognized, the Hungarian version applies.
- technical compliance: Directorate of Academic Affairs, Rector’s Cabinet
Directorate of Student Services (HSZI), Chancellery
- legal compliance: Directorate of Legal Affairs
Responsible: Dr. Péter Bihari director for academic affairs, Gábor Nagy director of HSZI
Publisher: Dr. János Józsa Rector, Attila Kotán Chancellor
Pursuant to the authorization received in (5) of Section 41 of the Organizational and Operational Regulations of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, pursuant to (2) of Section 13 of Act CCIV of 2011 on National Higher Education (as Rector), pursuant to (2) of Section 13/A of Act CCIV of 2011 on National Higher Education (as Chancellor), in order to reduce the risk of the coronavirus epidemic, to protect the life, health, personal, property and legal security of university citizens, and to ensure the sustainability of study activities, and taking into account the measurements prescribed in “Sectoral Recommendation for the Organization of Higher Education Training in State of Health Crisis” issued on September 1, 2020, the following joint circular is issued:
Action Plan
to organize activities related to study work and training at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in the Fall Semester of the academic year 2020/2021, during the state of epidemiological preparedness ordered due to the epidemic situation caused by the new coronavirus
- Introductory provisions
- The scope of this Action Plan extends to all natural persons residing in or intending to enter the territory of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (hereinafter: the University).
- The Government Decree Nr. 283/2020. (VI. 17.) issued by the Government of Hungary declared a state of epidemiological preparedness[1] in the whole territory of Hungary. The Ministry of Innovation and Technology, with the authorization received in (3) (b)[2] of Section 64 of the Act CCIV of 2011 on National Higher Education, issued provisions to higher education institutions, entitled “Sectoral Recommendation for the Organization of Higher Education Training in State of Health Crisis” (hereinafter: Sectoral Recommendation).
- The Sectoral Recommendation
- stipulates that the higher education institution must have an institutional action plan for epidemiological preparedness, to which the Budapest University of Technology and Economics complies with by this Action Plan; and
- in Section 1.10. authorizes the Rector to issue further specific instructions within the framework of legislation and the sectoral recommendation, and calls on the institution to continuously supplement and update their internal regulations in line with the epidemic situation;
- The purpose of this Action Plan is to establish a uniform procedure for the completion of certain activities of the University during the state of epidemiological preparedness, to reduce the risks associated with the coronavirus epidemic.
- Compliance with the provisions of this Action Plan is mandatory for all persons residing in the University.
- The application, observance and compliance of the Sectoral Recommendation – with the exceptions included in this Action Plan – is obligatory in the entire territory of the University. Deviations from the requirements of the Sectoral Recommendation may be made if expressly provided for in this Action Plan. If this Action Plan sets a stricter requirement (higher level of protection) than the Sectoral Recommendation, the Action Plan shall apply.
- General protection measures
Only healthy persons who do not show symptoms of coronavirus infection may enter the University. Each person is obliged to check the symptoms on a daily basis before entering the University. Persons showing symptoms shall report the fact of having symptoms as follows:
- employee or person in a legal relationship with the University (hereinafter collectively: employee) shall immediately notify his/her immediate superior of the fact of having symptoms;
- student shall declare the fact of having symptoms in the study administration system (NEPTUN) on the form provided for this purpose (request Nr. 088).
- A person who detects symptoms on himself/herself is prohibited to enter the University within 10 days (home quarantine).
If the coronavirus infection is confirmed, epidemiological isolation or surveillance (voluntary or official quarantine) is required, or if the infection has ceased or the employee or student has recovered from the coronavirus disease
- the employee shall immediately notify his immediate superior of this fact;
- the student reports this fact in the study administration system (NEPTUN) on the form provided for this purpose (request Nr. 088).
- The University shall notify the epidemiological authority of the confirmed coronavirus infection.
- If an employee is unable to enter the territory of the University due to the presence of symptoms, epidemiological surveillance or isolation (voluntary quarantine, official quarantine) or a confirmed infection, he / she shall perform his / her duties within the framework of distance working order (home office), if his / her state of health and the duties to be performed allow and the employer permits it.
- If the student is unable to enter the University due to the presence of symptoms, epidemiological surveillance or isolation (voluntary quarantine, official quarantine) or a confirmed infection, he / she shall participate in the education in the framework of distance learning, if his / her state of health allows.
- It is mandatory to maintain a safety distance of at least 1.5 meters in the University's internal community premises (corridor, gangways, catering areas, libraries, customer rooms, other residing rooms) [Sectoral Recommendation: 1.4.]
- Wearing of protective mask covering both the mouth and the nose (hereinafter: mask or protective mask) is mandatory throughout the University, indoors, as well as at outdoor events [Sectoral Recommendation: 1.3.].
- Adherence to personal hygiene requires necessary and responsible civic behaviour on the part of all citizens of the University. This includes frequent soap or alcohol hand sanitization, adherence to cough etiquette and avoiding unnecessary contact with the face, and adherence to the rules for using the mask covering mouth and nose. Whenever possible we draw the attention of all persons visiting the University to the observance of the hygienic rules, and we expect the law-abiding behaviour. In order for the visitors of the University to be able to participate in education and work at the appropriate physical distance, the University publishes signs about this, and places hand disinfection equipment and draws attention to them with a visible sign (painting, warning signs) (in libraries, canteens, catering areas, study offices, etc.).
- In high-traffic public areas (e.g. corridors, elevators, staircases, restrooms, kitchenettes), the University – through the organizational unit responsible for cleaning the area – assures cleaning of the often used (touched) surfaces with a virucidal surface disinfectant of appropriate intensity and frequency.
- In order to reduce the concentration of possible pathogens indoors - even in the case of the use of artificial ventilation - special attention should be paid to continuous and regular natural ventilation with increased intensity, opening of doors and windows, the implementation of which is the duty of room users.
In order to protect the health of persons visiting and working in sports facilities, the facilities may be visited during the state of the epidemiological preparedness only if the following measures are complied with:
- Sports facilities may be used at everyone's own risk; only healthy person who shows no symptoms of coronavirus disease can enter, including service staff, coaches and instructors.
- Due to the protection measures related to the coronavirus epidemic, a declaration prepared to supplement the rules of use of sports facilities must be filled in by all entrants and thus the entrant signifies the acceptance of the rules. Upon entering the facilities, the staff monitors the body temperature of the visitors.
- Visitors are obliged to disinfect the used equipment before and after training with a disinfectant placed for this purpose.
- To protect guests, renting of towels, jerseys and shoes as well as sauna use are suspended. All visitors are required to use their own towels and follow proper hygiene regulations. Failure to comply with these security measures will result in refusing the guest entry by the operator of the sport facility.
- Small-group sessions are preferred; the number of participants is reduced, it is derived based on the capacity of the rooms and taking the required safety distance into account, so that the participants can take part in sports sessions at the sufficient safety distance from each other. When scheduling sessions, more emphasis is put on tasks that can be accomplished without physical contact. Comprehensive information for coaches and sports professionals is provided.
- The operators of the sport facilities provide guests with an extended opening hours as follows: Monday to Friday from 06:00 to 24:00, Saturday and Sunday from 07:00 to 22:00.
- The operators of the sport facilities shall take care of the complete cleaning of common areas, such as changing rooms, showers and other rooms.
- A person who violates the regulations, by his behaviour endangers those around him (e.g. coughs to others), does not wear a mask despite the regulations or does not wear it properly (covering both mouth and nose), or does not intentionally maintain the prescribed safety distance, should be called to stop the act. If the summons is unsuccessful, the Department of Property and Institutional Security shall be notified. The staff of the Department of Property and Institutional Security will take the necessary measures.
- In order to maintain the safety distance and to prevent gatherings, certain classrooms on the University premises must be kept open on teaching days from 7:30 am to 8:00 pm, so that students – while maintaining the safety distance – can stay in the unused classrooms.
- Special provisions for the organization of education
- During the in-person study activities – except for laboratory practice, field practice, measurement practice, internship – unless otherwise provided by the layout of the classroom, students must be placed in a chessboard system: a safety distance of at least 1.5 meters shall be ensured between students in a row and students in the adjacent rows shall be shifted, keeping the safety distance of 1.5 meters. It is mandatory to wear mask in the classroom. [Sectoral Recommendation: 2.1.] The faculty providing the specialization (programme) may establish a smaller limit of student number, which decision shall be also observed by other cross-teaching faculties.
- During the in-person study activities, the general protection measures set out in Section II shall be observed and complied with. It is the instructor's responsibility to ensure the compliance with the measures.
- In-person study activities may be held only in a room (classroom, laboratory) where increased intensity of natural (re) ventilation and fresh air supply is provided.
- The organizational unit (department) responsible for the classroom should endeavor to clean the classrooms used for in-person activities with a virucidal detergent as often as possible.
The organization of courses in distance education work order is regulated by Section III of Rector’s Circular Nr. 1/2020. (VII. 22) (hereinafter: Rector's Circular) with the following addition:
- The criteria for assessing the applications set out in point 2 of Section III shall be established by the faculty responsible for the training; and
- risk group shall mean the personnel defined in Annex 1 to this Action Plan.
- In addition to the courses held in the form distance education work order, the possibility of attending in-person consultations in the form of small groups (maximum 5 people) must also be provided in case of student demand, and if the conditions allow.
- Distance education can be real-time, when the study session is held through information systems at the time of the in-person study activity (e.g. live lecture, conference call in MS Teams or other similar platform) or asynchronous session based on independent student work, when the learning support materials published in the information system (written materials, recorded and reproducible audio, and audio and video recordings) are processed by the student according to his/her own schedule. For the latter type of session, a consultation must be provided in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Studies (CoS) (either on a scheduled or off-schedule basis).
- Students must be informed about the way of organizing the announced courses through the study administration system (NEPTUN) as follows:
In the study administration system (NEPTUN), it must be indicated in the "Comment" section of the courses announced in the semester 2020/2021/1 that
- whether the course takes place in the form of distance education (unless otherwise stated, it is considered an in-person course);
in the case of a course is taken in the form of distance education, it must also be indicated that:
- whether the distance education activity is real-time, in which case it can only take place at the scheduled time of the course, and the information system where the study activity can be followed in real time must also be provided;
- whether distance education activity takes place in asynchronous form, and the information system where learning support materials are available should also be provided.
The information obligation can also be fulfilled by the educational organizational unit by creating separate courses for distance education.
- In the form of a mixed (organized by providing simultaneous in-person and distance education study sessions) educational form developed in accordance with the Rector's Circular and this Action Plan, taking into account the large number of students staying at the University and the transfer capacity limit of the university IT infrastructure, real-time distance education study activities cannot be held.
- A real-time distance education study activity can be held if the University is fully transitioning to distance education work order.
- Student who – on the basis of the Rector’s Circular – has been granted permission to pursue his / her studies in the framework of distance education shall immediately notify the instructors of the courses he / she has taken of this fact.
The general protection measures apply to the students and lecturers participating in any practical training and internships held at the University during the Fall Semester. The following requirements must be observed during the practical training:
- Before starting the practical training, it is mandatory to prescribe soap hand washing or alcoholic hand disinfection, the conditions of which must be provided at the training site. During the training, it is recommended to maintain a protective distance of 1.5 meters, wearing a mask is mandatory.
- Compulsory pre-training education (fire and occupational safety, data protection and hospital hygiene trainings) should be provided online if possible. If this is not possible, it must be organized in accordance with the rules for in-person sessions.
- It is necessary to prepare the schedule of students in advance, thus reducing the number of students simultaneously present. On the first day of the practical training, the student must undergo pre-triage (preliminary risk assessment).
- During the internship and practical training, the instructor’s primary duty is to continuously monitor the proper use of personal protective equipments.
- During the practical training, the devices are disinfected with a virucidal surface disinfectant by the instructor or a person authorized by him / her, provided that this does not damage the devices.
- The rules for internships and practical training must be followed both at the internal and external training sites. Surface disinfection must be provided between groups of students in the rooms.
- During the in-person laboratory exercises, it is recommended to maintain a protective distance of 1.5 meters, and wearing a protective mask is obligatory. At the end of the laboratory practice, the instructor in charge of the practice is obliged to clean the used devices with a virucidal disinfectant, provided that it does not damage the devices. If the device cannot be disinfected, the educational unit (department) provides students with disposable protective gloves during the laboratory practice.
- Special rules for attendance and written assessments of academic achievements
- In the course of assessments of academic achievement, the general protection measures and the measures set out in Section III shall be complied with and shall be enforced to comply with. Prior to the assessment of academic achievement, participants shall be informed about the protection measures in written form (message sent through the study system) and orally on the spot [Sectoral Recommendation: 4.6.].
- The place, date, method of the assessments of academic achievements requiring the personal presence of the students, as well as the identification data of the students assigned to them must be published in the assessment plan through the study administration system (NEPTUN), according to the CoS.
- Only a healthy, asymptomatic person may take part in the assessments of academic achievements [summative assessment, oral report, written exam, oral exam, complex exam] requiring the personal presence of the students. The instructor conducting the performance evaluation is obliged to follow the Sectoral Recommendation [Sections 4.1 to 4.7 of the Sectoral Recommendation]. During the pre-triage, the answers to the questionnaire according to Annex 2 and the student's body temperature must be recorded for each student. A student who answers yes to any of these questions should be immediately isolated and the Department of Property Protection and Institutional Security shall be notified in order to enforce the procedures of the National Center for Public Health [Sectoral Recommendation: 5.8.]. The recorded data must be kept in the archives of the educational organizational unit for 28 days and must be presented to the inspector upon inspection.
- In the case of oral or practical assessment of academic achievement, a time schedule shall be established and a maximum of two students per assessment teacher may be present at a time. During performance evaluation involving the use of a device, the device must be disinfected after each student.
- In the case of a written assessment of academic achievement, the deadline for the publication of the results of performance evaluations prescribed in the CoS is extended with the mandatory waiting period [Sectoral Recommendation 4.3.].
- For the corrected and evaluated written assessments, if done on paper-based data carrier, access for review shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of the CoS. During the personal presence review, the paragraphs 3-4. shall be accordingly applied.
- During the assessments of academic achievements held in the form of distance education work order, until otherwise decided, the procedure established in the Spring Semester of the academic year 2019/2020 shall apply.
- Requirements for registration, academic year opening ceremony and other events
- In accordance with the Sectoral Recommendation, the University requires all students enrolled in an active semester – if the student visited or stayed abroad during the two weeks prior to the start of the academic year or during the semester – to declare this fact through request submitted in the study administration system (NEPTUN).
The University provides electronic enrollment for all admissions who have a Customer Portal (Ügyfélkapu) registration. Enrollment requiring a personal presence will only be organized by the University for admitted applicants who
- do not have or do not intend to use Customer Portal registration; or
- are non-Hungarian citizens.
Complying with general security measures is required when enrolling in person.
- At the central opening ceremony of academic year, general protection measures according to Section II shall be complied with, therefore, the total number of participants simultaneously staying in one place (Hall of Central Building) may not exceed 200 people. The organizational unit responsible for the organization of the opening ceremony may set a lower participant limit.
In the case of academic year opening ceremony organized by a faculty
- it may be kept only in premises where natural ventilation is provided at all times;
- the total number of persons simultaneously present in one place (indoors or outdoors) must be determined in such a way as to ensure a safety distance of at least 1.5 meters between the participants; and
- it is mandatory for the participants to wear mask.
- For the graduation events to be held during the Fall Semester, the provisions of paragraph 3-4 shall accordingly apply. Potential guests must also be included in the number of participants.
- Jubilee graduation ceremony cannot be held, given the increased risk of the concerned persons due to their age.
- Student and other events – not directly related to education – requiring the personal presence of the participants may be held at the University only in particularly justified cases, with the joint permission of the Rector and the Chancellor. During the events, the general protection measures of Section II must be comply with and enforced to comply with, which is the duty and responsibility of the organizer [Sectoral Recommendation: 6.4, 6.5. and 6.6.].
- Dormitory accommodation measures
In view of the circumstances caused by the epidemic risk, the summer residential period of 2020 and for the Fall Semester of the academic year 2020/2021, the dormitory accommodation of the students is ensured by accepting the following conditions:
- Students are required to act in accordance with basic epidemiological protection measures in the area of dormitories (in particular: wearing a mask, maintaining a protective distance of 1.5 meters, staying in a room with as few people as possible). The student or any person in the dormitory is obliged to provide his / her own protective mask.
- It is forbidden to hold events in the area of dormitories.
- The board meetings of the Student and Doctoral Student Councils fixed in the statutes do not count as events, especially the meetings of the student representation of the faculty, as well as the professional extracurricular activities of active circles, professional colleges and competition teams. These board meetings shall not last longer than one and a half hours or, if so, shall be followed by a break of at least one hour and the room shall be ventilated.
- A student may receive only one pre-determined person as a guest during a given dormitory period. The data of the guest to be received by the student must be recorded by the student in the Dormitory Unified Admission and Information System (KEFIR) in the form designated for this purpose. A guest admitted to another inmate will be subject to disciplinary action.
- Upon moving in, the student must complete a questionnaire, based on the results of which the University may require the student to perform a SARS-CoV-2 test (PCR test). In case of positive test results, the student can move into his / her place only if he / she has two negative tests repeated within 48 hours. The University may refuse to move in if the negative tests come from an unreliable source or there is a suspicion of fraud.
- If a student recognizes any symptoms of the coronavirus, he / she is obliged to report it to the caregiver immediately and to stay in the community areas of the college as little as possible.
- The student is obliged to indicate if he / she notices any extra cleaning needs in his / her room, or in the common areas of the dormitory. He/she must also indicate if the hand sanitizer has run out somewhere.
- Until further measures, nearly 5% of the places in the University’s own dormitory buildings are not utilized. These places will not be allocated in the Fall Semester of the academic year 2020/21.
- During the dormitory admission procedure for the Fall Semester of the academic year 2020/21, the first-year students' room assignment should strive to ensure that students are arranged in the rooms based on their specialization, as much as possible.
- When entering the territory of dormitories, the body temperature of the person entering must be checked once a day.
- If a student is suspected of being infected, the dormitory caretaker, or in case of impediment, the dormitory mentor on duty must immediately arrange for the student and his / her roommates to be placed in a separate room, complying with the appropriate protection measures. The person acting must report the case to the director of the Directorate of Student Services, who shall comply with his / her obligation to report the suspected cases to the territorially competent epidemiological authority.
- Dormitory infrastructure measures
Taking into account the official recommendations effective during the state of epidemiological preparedness, the University dormitories are opened with the following protection measures:
- Surfaces frequently touched by dormitory residents, such as cabinets, handles, knobs and light switches, must be disinfected, and care must be taken to ensure the cleanliness of bathrooms and restrooms.
- Information and precautionary stickers must be displayed in common areas and rooms (washbasins, corridors, etc.).
- In justified cases, taking into account the risk of the epidemic, dormitory services may be restricted, and certain persons may be excluded if they are at risk of being infected with the coronavirus.
- Measures for the dormitory accommodation of foreign students
- Foreign students receiving dormitory places are accommodated in accommodation rented by the University from an external service provider (hereinafter: rented dormitories).
- Requirements set out in Section VI shall also apply to rented dormitories.
- The University shall, if absolutely necessary, ensure the accommodation of foreign students in home quarantine in rented places.
- If a foreign student is suspected of being infected, the operator of the rented dormitory shall immediately take measures to isolate the student concerned, at the same time notifying the director of the Directorate of the Student Services and the competent epidemiological authority.
- If a student requests a SARS-CoV-2 test (PCR test), he / she must report this need to the BME International Mentor Team.
- Students who have been placed in official house quarantine by the competent epidemiological authority may leave their accommodation units (consisting of the living room and the associated social block) only with the permission of the quarantine authority.
- Final provisions
- The provisions of this Circular shall enter into force on 1 September 2020, in the second hour after its publication.
- The Rector-Chancellor Joint Circular Nr. 1/2020. (VIII. 31.) is repealed.
Budapest, September 1, 2020
Dr. János Józsa Attila Kotán
Rector Chancellor
[1] The provisions applicable in the event of a state of health crisis are set out in Chapter XIV of Act CLIV 1997 on Health.
[2] Nftv. 64. § (3) The tasks of the Minister related to the development of higher education – with the assistance of the Minister responsible for the coordination of science policy – are: b) to examine training problems in higher education, to develop solutions, to create professional conditions for national student competence measurement
Annex 1 – Risk groups
Based on the information from the National Center for Public Health, the Budapest University of Technology and Economics defines the group at risk in connection with the COVID-19 epidemic as follows:
It belongs to the risk group who
- past 65 years;
- suffers from a chronic disease [respiratory, circulatory (cardiovascular) diseases, diseases of the excretory organs (especially: kidneys), diseases of the metabolic organs (especially: liver), autoimmune diseases, cancers];
- is undergoing treatment with a significant effect on the immune system and general physical condition (immunosuppressive therapy, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, etc.) and is therefore more susceptible to infections;
- is immunocompromised (e.g. HIV infection) or has another infectious disease (e.g. hepatitis);
- is pregnant; obsession
- raises an incapacitated minor child.
Annex 2 – Risk screening (pre-triage) questionnaire for entering BME, for in-person assessment of academic achievement
Have you recognized and of the symptoms listed below in the last three days?
- fever (body temperature above 37.5 ° C);
- headache, malaise, weakness, muscle aches;
- dry cough, shortness of breath, rapid breathing;
- sore throat, loss of smell / taste;
- nausea, vomiting, diarrhea?
- Have you been in contact with a patient with a confirmed coronavirus infection in the last 14 days?
- In the last 14 days, have you had any contact with a person who has been placed in official quarantine on suspicion of coronavirus infection?
- Have you been abroad or received a guest from abroad within 14 days?
- In the last 14 days, have you had contact with a person who had a fever, cough, or shortness of breath?
If necessary, a SARS-CoV-2 test (PCR test) is recommended.
The data collection will take place using the following form: BME Pre-triage questionnaire
Sectoral Recommendations for Organizing Higher Education
5 September, 2020
Procedures regarding the rules of entering Hungary and special medical examination for Hungarian students with dual citizenship, for non-Hungarian students and for students of foreign higher education institutions
Based on the current level of epidemiological situation, from 1 September 2020, Hungarian authorities classify all countries of the world as unsafe to travel to/from, and thus foreign citizens can only enter Hungary under special conditions. This measure is to protect all residents from the spread of the Coronavirus. Foreign students may enter Hungary and join the education, under the rules and conditions described in the document below.
Upon arrival, all students are subject to a 14-day-long mandatory home quarantine at their Hungarian address, unless having 2 negative PCR SARS-CoV-2 tests completed in Schengen area, USA or Canada (according to the Government Decree Nr. 422/2020 (IX.04)).
The quarantine may be lifted after taking 2 PCR SARS-CoV-2 tests in Hungary (at least 48 hours apart). We strongly advise you to arrange quarantine accommodation for yourself before arriving!
Steps prior your travel:
- If you do not have a residence permit and a visa is required from you, apply for a D-type visa.
- Download, fill and print the Neptun certificate on your student status (further instruction at https://www.kth.bme.hu/en/news/2025).
- Print your Letter of Acceptance.
- Request and print a student status certificate (E999 request on Neptun)
- Arrange quarantine accommodation if your long-term accommodation is not suitable for self-isolation.
- Submit a leniency form on the Hungarian Police's website: This guide will help you.
1 September, 2020
Rector-Chancellor Joint Circular Nr. 2/2020. (IX. 1.)
Action Plan
to organize activities related to study work and training at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in the Fall Semester of the academic year 2020/2021, during the state of epidemiological preparedness ordered due to the epidemic situation caused by the new coronavirus
Effective date: 1 September, 2020
Measurements and regulations repealed at the time of entry into force: Rector-Chancellor Joint Circular Nr. 1/2020 (VIII. 31.) on Action Plan to organize activities related to study work and training at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in the Fall Semester of the academic year 2020/2021, during the state of epidemiological preparedness ordered due to the epidemic situation caused by the new coronavirus.
Important note: this document is translation of the official Hungarian document of Rector-Chancellor Joint Circular Nr. 2/2020. (IX. 1.). In case of any mistranslation or deviation between the Hungarian and English versions are recognized, the Hungarian version applies.
- technical compliance: Directorate of Academic Affairs, Rector’s Cabinet
Directorate of Student Services (HSZI), Chancellery
- legal compliance: Directorate of Legal Affairs
Responsible: Dr. Péter Bihari director for academic affairs, Gábor Nagy director of HSZI
Publisher: Dr. János Józsa Rector, Attila Kotán Chancellor
Pursuant to the authorization received in (5) of Section 41 of the Organizational and Operational Regulations of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, pursuant to (2) of Section 13 of Act CCIV of 2011 on National Higher Education (as Rector), pursuant to (2) of Section 13/A of Act CCIV of 2011 on National Higher Education (as Chancellor), in order to reduce the risk of the coronavirus epidemic, to protect the life, health, personal, property and legal security of university citizens, and to ensure the sustainability of study activities, and taking into account the measurements prescribed in “Sectoral Recommendation for the Organization of Higher Education Training in State of Epidemiological Preparedness” issued on September 1, 2020, the following joint circular is issued:
Action Plan
to organize activities related to study work and training at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in the Fall Semester of the academic year 2020/2021, during the state of epidemiological preparedness ordered due to the epidemic situation caused by the new coronavirus
- Introductory provisions
- The scope of this Action Plan extends to all natural persons residing in or intending to enter the territory of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (hereinafter: the University).
- The Government Decree Nr. 283/2020. (VI. 17.) issued by the Government of Hungary declared a state of epidemiological preparedness[1] in the whole territory of Hungary. The Ministry of Innovation and Technology, with the authorization received in (3) (b)[2] of Section 64 of the Act CCIV of 2011 on National Higher Education, issued provisions to higher education institutions, entitled “Sectoral Recommendation for the Organization of Higher Education Training in State of Epidemiological Preparedness” (hereinafter: Sectoral Recommendation).
- The Sectoral Recommendation
- stipulates that the higher education institution must have an institutional action plan for epidemiological preparedness, to which the Budapest University of Technology and Economics complies with by this Action Plan; and
- in Section 1.10. authorizes the Rector to issue further specific instructions within the framework of legislation and the sectoral recommendation, and calls on the institution to continuously supplement and update their internal regulations in line with the epidemic situation;
- The purpose of this Action Plan is to establish a uniform procedure for the completion of certain activities of the University during the state of epidemiological preparedness, to reduce the risks associated with the coronavirus epidemic.
- Compliance with the provisions of this Action Plan is mandatory for all persons residing in the University.
- The application, observance and compliance of the Sectoral Recommendation – with the exceptions included in this Action Plan – is obligatory in the entire territory of the University. Deviations from the requirements of the Sectoral Recommendation may be made if expressly provided for in this Action Plan. If this Action Plan sets a stricter requirement (higher level of protection) than the Sectoral Recommendation, the Action Plan shall apply.
- General protection measures
Only healthy persons who do not show symptoms of coronavirus infection may enter the University. Each person is obliged to check the symptoms on a daily basis before entering the University. Persons showing symptoms shall report the fact of having symptoms as follows:
- employee or person in a legal relationship with the University (hereinafter collectively: employee) shall immediately notify his/her immediate superior of the fact of having symptoms;
- student shall declare the fact of having symptoms in the study administration system (NEPTUN) on the form provided for this purpose (request Nr. 088).
- A person who detects symptoms on himself/herself is prohibited to enter the University within 14 days (home quarantine) after reporting the symptoms, unless a molecular biological test performed twice within 5 days, at least 48 hours apart, in accordance with professional health regulations – SARS-CoV-2 test – confirms with a document in Hungarian or English that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus was not detectable in his/her body at the time of the test.
If the SARS-CoV-2 test confirms the infection
- the employee shall immediately notify his immediate superior of this fact;
- the student reports this fact in the study administration system (NEPTUN) on the form provided for this purpose (request Nr. 088).
- The University shall notify the epidemiological authority of the confirmed coronavirus infection.
- If an employee is unable to enter the territory of the University due to the presence of symptoms or a confirmed infection, he / she shall perform his / her duties within the framework of working from home (home office), if his / her state of health and the duties to be performed allow.
- If the student is unable to enter the University due to the presence of symptoms or a confirmed infection, he / she shall participate in the education in the framework of distance learning, if his / her state of health allows.
- It is mandatory to maintain a safety distance of at least 1.5 meters in the University's internal community premises (corridor, gangways, catering areas, libraries, customer rooms, other residing rooms) [Sectoral Recommendation: 1.4.]
- Wearing of protective mask covering both the mouth and the nose (hereinafter: mask or protective mask) is mandatory throughout the University, indoors, as well as at outdoor events [Sectoral Recommendation: 1.3.].
- Adherence to personal hygiene requires necessary and responsible civic behaviour on the part of all citizens of the University. This includes frequent soap or alcohol hand sanitization, adherence to cough etiquette and avoiding unnecessary contact with the face, and adherence to the rules for using the mask covering mouth and nose. Whenever possible we draw the attention of all persons visiting the University to the observance of the hygienic rules, and we expect the law-abiding behaviour. In order for the visitors of the University to be able to participate in education and work at the appropriate physical distance, the University publishes signs about this, and places hand disinfection equipment and draws attention to them with a visible sign (painting, warning signs) (in libraries, canteens, catering areas, study offices, etc.).
- In high-traffic public areas (e.g. corridors, elevators, staircases, restrooms, kitchenettes), the University – through the organizational unit responsible for cleaning the area – assures cleaning of the often used (touched) surfaces with a virucidal surface disinfectant of appropriate intensity and frequency.
- In order to reduce the concentration of possible pathogens indoors - even in the case of the use of artificial ventilation - special attention should be paid to continuous and regular natural ventilation with increased intensity, opening of doors and windows, the implementation of which is the duty of room users.
In order to protect the health of persons visiting and working in sports facilities, the facilities may be visited during the state of the epidemiological preparedness only if the following measures are complied with:
- Sports facilities may be used at everyone's own risk; only healthy person who shows no symptoms of coronavirus disease can enter, including service staff, coaches and instructors.
- Due to the protection measures related to the coronavirus epidemic, a declaration prepared to supplement the rules of use of sports facilities must be filled in by all entrants and thus the entrant signifies the acceptance of the rules. Upon entering the facilities, the staff monitors the body temperature of the visitors.
- Visitors are obliged to disinfect the used equipment before and after training with a disinfectant placed for this purpose.
- To protect guests, renting of towels, jerseys and shoes as well as sauna use are suspended. All visitors are required to use their own towels and follow proper hygiene regulations. Failure to comply with these security measures will result in refusing the guest entry by the operator of the sport facility.
- Small-group sessions are preferred; the number of participants is reduced, it is derived based on the capacity of the rooms and taking the required safety distance into account, so that the participants can take part in sports sessions at the sufficient safety distance from each other. When scheduling sessions, more emphasis is put on tasks that can be accomplished without physical contact. Comprehensive information for coaches and sports professionals is provided.
- The operators of the sport facilities provide guests with an extended opening hours as follows: Monday to Friday from 06:00 to 24:00, Saturday and Sunday from 07:00 to 22:00.
- The operators of the sport facilities shall take care of the complete cleaning of common areas, such as changing rooms, showers and other rooms.
- A person who violates the regulations, by his behaviour endangers those around him (e.g. coughs to others), does not wear a mask despite the regulations or does not wear it properly (covering both mouth and nose), or does not intentionally maintain the prescribed safety distance, should be called to stop the act. If the summons is unsuccessful, the Department of Property and Institutional Security shall be notified. The staff of the Department of Property and Institutional Security will take the necessary measures.
- In order to maintain the safety distance and to prevent gatherings, certain classrooms on the University premises must be kept open on teaching days from 7:30 am to 8:00 pm, so that students – while maintaining the safety distance – can stay in the unused classrooms.
- Special provisions for the organization of education
- During the in-person study activities – except for laboratory practice, field practice, measurement practice, internship – the maximum number of student simultaneously present in the classroom is limited so that a safety distance of at least 1.5 meters is ensured between students in all directions. It is mandatory to wear mask in the classroom. [Sectoral Recommendation: 2.1.] The faculty providing the specialization (programme) may establish a smaller limit of student number, which decision shall be also observed by other cross-teaching faculties.
- During the in-person study activities, the general protection measures set out in Section II shall be observed and complied with. It is the instructor's responsibility to ensure the compliance with the measures.
- In-person study activities may be held only in a room (classroom, laboratory) where increased intensity of natural (re) ventilation and fresh air supply is provided.
- The organizational unit (department) responsible for the classroom should endeavor to clean the classrooms used for in-person activities with a virucidal detergent as often as possible.
The organization of courses in distance education work order is regulated by Section III of Rector’s Circular Nr. 1/2020. (VII. 22) (hereinafter: Rector's Circular) with the following addition:
- The criteria for assessing the applications set out in point 2 of Section III shall be established by the faculty responsible for the training; and
- risk group shall mean the personnel defined in Annex 1 to this Action Plan.
- In addition to the courses held in the form distance education work order, the possibility of attending in-person consultations in the form of small groups (maximum 5 people) must also be provided in case of student demand, and if the conditions allow.
- Distance education can be real-time, when the study session is held through information systems at the time of the in-person study activity (e.g. live lecture, conference call in MS Teams or other similar platform) or asynchronous session based on independent student work, when the learning support materials published in the information system (written materials, recorded and reproducible audio, and audio and video recordings) are processed by the student according to his/her own schedule. For the latter type of session, a consultation must be provided in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Studies (CoS) (either on a scheduled or off-schedule basis).
- Students must be informed about the way of organizing the announced courses through the study administration system (NEPTUN) as follows:
In the study administration system (NEPTUN), it must be indicated in the "Comment" section of the courses announced in the semester 2020/2021/1 that
- whether the course takes place in the form of distance education (unless otherwise stated, it is considered an in-person course);
in the case of a course is taken in the form of distance education, it must also be indicated that:
- whether the distance education activity is real-time, in which case it can only take place at the scheduled time of the course, and the information system where the study activity can be followed in real time must also be provided;
- whether distance education activity takes place in asynchronous form, and the information system where learning support materials are available should also be provided.
The information obligation can also be fulfilled by the educational organizational unit by creating separate courses for distance education.
- In the form of a mixed (organized by providing simultaneous in-person and distance education study sessions) educational form developed in accordance with the Rector's Circular and this Action Plan, taking into account the large number of students staying at the University and the transfer capacity limit of the university IT infrastructure, real-time distance education study activities cannot be held.
- A real-time distance education study activity can be held if the University is fully transitioning to distance education work order.
- Student who – on the basis of the Rector’s Circular – has been granted permission to pursue his / her studies in the framework of distance education shall immediately notify the instructors of the courses he / she has taken of this fact.
The general protection measures apply to the students and lecturers participating in any practical training and internships held at the University during the Fall Semester. The following requirements must be observed during the practical training:
- Before starting the practical training, it is mandatory to prescribe soap hand washing or alcoholic hand disinfection, the conditions of which must be provided at the training site. During the training, it is recommended to maintain a protective distance of 1.5 meters, wearing a mask is mandatory.
- Compulsory pre-training education (fire and occupational safety, data protection and hospital hygiene trainings) should be provided online if possible. If this is not possible, it must be organized in accordance with the rules for in-person sessions.
- It is necessary to prepare the schedule of students in advance, thus reducing the number of students simultaneously present. On the first day of the practical training, the student must undergo pre-triage (preliminary risk assessment).
- During the internship and practical training, the instructor’s primary duty is to continuously monitor the proper use of personal protective equipments.
- During the practical training, the devices are disinfected with a virucidal surface disinfectant by the instructor or a person authorized by him / her, provided that this does not damage the devices.
- The rules for internships and practical training must be followed both at the internal and external training sites. Surface disinfection must be provided between groups of students in the rooms.
- During the in-person laboratory exercises, it is recommended to maintain a protective distance of 1.5 meters, and wearing a protective mask is obligatory. At the end of the laboratory practice, the instructor in charge of the practice is obliged to clean the used devices with a virucidal disinfectant, provided that it does not damage the devices. If the device cannot be disinfected, the educational unit (department) provides students with disposable protective gloves during the laboratory practice.
- Special rules for attendance and written assessments of academic achievements
- In the course of assessments of academic achievement, the general protection measures and the measures set out in Section III shall be complied with and shall be enforced to comply with. Prior to the assessment of academic achievement, participants shall be informed about the protection measures in written form (message sent through the study system) and orally on the spot [Sectoral Recommendation: 4.6.].
- The place, date, method of the assessments of academic achievements requiring the personal presence of the students, as well as the identification data of the students assigned to them must be published in the assessment plan through the study administration system (NEPTUN), according to the CoS.
- Only a healthy, asymptomatic person may take part in the assessments of academic achievements [summative assessment, oral report, written exam, oral exam, complex exam] requiring the personal presence of the students. The instructor conducting the performance evaluation is obliged to follow the Sectoral Recommendation [Sections 4.1 to 4.7 of the Sectoral Recommendation]. During the pre-triage, the answers to the questionnaire according to Annex 2 and the student's body temperature must be recorded for each student. A student who answers yes to any of these questions should be immediately isolated and the Department of Property Protection and Institutional Security shall be notified in order to enforce the procedures of the National Center for Public Health [Sectoral Recommendation: 5.8.]. The recorded data must be kept in the archives of the educational organizational unit for 28 days and must be presented to the inspector upon inspection.
- In the case of oral or practical assessment of academic achievement, a time schedule shall be established and a maximum of two students per assessment teacher may be present at a time. During performance evaluation involving the use of a device, the device must be disinfected after each student.
- In the case of a written assessment of academic achievement, the deadline for the publication of the results of performance evaluations prescribed in the CoS is extended with the mandatory waiting period [Sectoral Recommendation 4.3.].
- For the corrected and evaluated written assessments, if done on paper-based data carrier, access for review shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of the CoS. During the personal presence review, the paragraphs 3-4. shall be accordingly applied.
- During the assessments of academic achievements held in the form of distance education work order, until otherwise decided, the procedure established in the Spring Semester of the academic year 2019/2020 shall apply.
- Requirements for registration, academic year opening ceremony and other events
- In accordance with the Sectoral Recommendation, the University requires all students enrolled in an active semester – if the student visited or stayed abroad during the two weeks prior to the start of the academic year or during the semester – to declare the observance of the provisions contained in Government Decree 341/2020 (VII.12.) on travel restrictions during the state of epidemiological preparedness, through request submitted in the study administration system (NEPTUN).
The University provides electronic enrollment for all admissions who have a Customer Portal (Ügyfélkapu) registration. Enrollment requiring a personal presence will only be organized by the University for admitted applicants who
- do not have or do not intend to use Customer Portal registration; or
- are non-Hungarian citizens.
Complying with general security measures is required when enrolling in person.
- At the central opening ceremony of academic year, general protection measures according to Section II shall be complied with, therefore, the total number of participants simultaneously staying in one place (Hall of Central Building) may not exceed 200 people. The organizational unit responsible for the organization of the opening ceremony may set a lower participant limit.
In the case of academic year opening ceremony organized by a faculty
- it may be kept only in premises where natural ventilation is provided at all times;
- the total number of persons simultaneously present in one place (indoors or outdoors) must be determined in such a way as to ensure a safety distance of at least 1.5 meters between the participants; and
- it is mandatory for the participants to wear mask.
- For the graduation events to be held during the Fall Semester, the provisions of paragraph 3-4 shall accordingly apply. Potential guests must also be included in the number of participants.
- Jubilee graduation ceremony cannot be held, given the increased risk of the concerned persons due to their age.
- Student and other events – not directly related to education – requiring the personal presence of the participants may be held at the University only in particularly justified cases, with the joint permission of the Rector and the Chancellor. During the events, the general protection measures of Section II must be comply with and enforced to comply with, which is the duty and responsibility of the organizer [Sectoral Recommendation: 6.4, 6.5. and 6.6.].
- Dormitory accommodation measures
In view of the circumstances caused by the epidemic risk, the summer residential period of 2020 and for the Fall Semester of the academic year 2020/2021, the dormitory accommodation of the students is ensured by accepting the following conditions:
- Students are required to act in accordance with basic epidemiological protection measures in the area of dormitories (in particular: wearing a mask, maintaining a protective distance of 1.5 meters, staying in a room with as few people as possible). The student or any person in the dormitory is obliged to provide his / her own protective mask.
- It is forbidden to hold events in the area of dormitories.
- The board meetings of the Student and Doctoral Student Councils fixed in the statutes do not count as events, especially the meetings of the student representation of the faculty, as well as the professional extracurricular activities of active circles, professional colleges and competition teams. These board meetings shall not last longer than one and a half hours or, if so, shall be followed by a break of at least one hour and the room shall be ventilated.
- A student may receive only one pre-determined person as a guest during a given dormitory period. The data of the guest to be received by the student must be recorded by the student in the Dormitory Unified Admission and Information System (KEFIR) in the form designated for this purpose. A guest admitted to another inmate will be subject to disciplinary action.
- Upon moving in, the student must complete a questionnaire, based on the results of which the University may require the student to perform a SARS-CoV-2 test (PCR test). In case of positive test results, the student can move into his / her place only if he / she has two negative tests repeated within 48 hours. The University may refuse to move in if the negative tests come from an unreliable source or there is a suspicion of fraud.
- If a student recognizes any symptoms of the coronavirus, he / she is obliged to report it to the caregiver immediately and to stay in the community areas of the college as little as possible.
- The student is obliged to indicate if he / she notices any extra cleaning needs in his / her room, or in the common areas of the dormitory. He/she must also indicate if the hand sanitizer has run out somewhere.
- Until further measures, nearly 5% of the places in the University’s own dormitory buildings are not utilized. These places will not be allocated in the Fall Semester of the academic year 2020/21.
- During the dormitory admission procedure for the Fall Semester of the academic year 2020/21, the first-year students' room assignment should strive to ensure that students are arranged in the rooms based on their specialization, as much as possible.
- When entering the territory of dormitories, the body temperature of the person entering must be checked once a day.
- If a student is suspected of being infected, the dormitory caretaker, or in case of impediment, the dormitory mentor on duty must immediately arrange for the student and his / her roommates to be placed in a separate room, complying with the appropriate protection measures. The person acting must report the case to the director of the Directorate of Student Services, who shall comply with his / her obligation to report the suspected cases to the territorially competent epidemiological authority.
- Dormitory infrastructure measures
Taking into account the official recommendations effective during the state of epidemiological preparedness, the University dormitories are opened with the following protection measures:
- Surfaces frequently touched by dormitory residents, such as cabinets, handles, knobs and light switches, must be disinfected, and care must be taken to ensure the cleanliness of bathrooms and restrooms.
- Information and precautionary stickers must be displayed in common areas and rooms (washbasins, corridors, etc.).
- In justified cases, taking into account the risk of the epidemic, dormitory services may be restricted, and certain persons may be excluded if they are at risk of being infected with the coronavirus.
- Measures for the dormitory accommodation of foreign students
- Foreign students receiving dormitory places are accommodated in accommodation rented by the University from an external service provider (hereinafter: rented dormitories).
- Requirements set out in Section VI shall also apply to rented dormitories.
- The University shall, if absolutely necessary, ensure the accommodation of foreign students in home quarantine in rented places.
- If a foreign student is suspected of being infected, the operator of the rented dormitory shall immediately take measures to isolate the student concerned, at the same time notifying the director of the Directorate of the Student Services and the competent epidemiological authority.
- If a student requests a SARS-CoV-2 test (PCR test), he / she must report this need to the BME International Mentor Team.
- Students who have been placed in official house quarantine by the competent epidemiological authority may leave their accommodation units (consisting of the living room and the associated social block) only with the permission of the quarantine authority.
- Final provisions
- The provisions of this Circular shall enter into force on 1 September 2020, in the second hour after its publication.
- The Rector-Chancellor Joint Circular Nr. 1/2020. (VIII. 31.) is repealed.
Budapest, September 1, 2020
Dr. János Józsa Attila Kotán
Rector Chancellor
[1] The provisions applicable in the event of a state of health crisis are set out in Chapter XIV of Act CLIV 1997 on Health.
[2] Nftv. 64. § (3) The tasks of the Minister related to the development of higher education – with the assistance of the Minister responsible for the coordination of science policy – are: b) to examine training problems in higher education, to develop solutions, to create professional conditions for national student competence measurement,
Annex 1 – Risk groups
Based on the information from the National Center for Public Health, the Budapest University of Technology and Economics defines the group at risk in connection with the COVID-19 epidemic as follows:
It belongs to the risk group who
- past 65 years;
- suffers from a chronic disease [respiratory, circulatory (cardiovascular) diseases, diseases of the excretory organs (especially: kidneys), diseases of the metabolic organs (especially: liver), autoimmune diseases, cancers];
- is undergoing treatment with a significant effect on the immune system and general physical condition (immunosuppressive therapy, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, etc.) and is therefore more susceptible to infections;
- is immunocompromised (e.g. HIV infection) or has another infectious disease (e.g. hepatitis);
- is pregnant; obsession
- raises an incapacitated minor child.
Annex 2 – Risk screening (pre-triage) questionnaire for entering BME, for in-person assessment of academic achievement
Have you recognized and of the symptoms listed below in the last three days?
- fever (body temperature above 37.5 ° C);
- headache, malaise, weakness, muscle aches;
- dry cough, shortness of breath, rapid breathing;
- sore throat, loss of smell / taste;
- nausea, vomiting, diarrhea?
- Have you been in contact with a patient with a confirmed coronavirus infection in the last 14 days?
- In the last 14 days, have you had any contact with a person who has been placed in official quarantine on suspicion of coronavirus infection?
- Have you been abroad or received a guest from abroad within 14 days?
- In the last 14 days, have you had contact with a person who had a fever, cough, or shortness of breath?
If necessary, a SARS-CoV-2 test (PCR test) is recommended.
The data collection will take place using the following form: BME Pre-triage questionnaire
Rector-Chancellor Joint Circular Nr. 2/2020. (IX. 1.)
27 August, 2020
Procedures for non-Hungarian students and higher education staff regarding the rules of entering Hungary and special medical examination
Based on the current level of infection in other countries the National Chief Medical Officer published a decision listing the countries and their administrative regions categorized as „yellow” and „red”, which can be found here: https://www.nnk.gov.hu/index.php/nnk-kozlemenyek
The higher education institution shall issue a certificate in accordance with Annex 1 to a non-Hungarian student (hereinafter: student) for entry to Hungary. The Budapest University of Technology and Economics issues the certificate through Neptun.
The identification of the student on the basis of their non-personal data (passport number and nationality) will be recorded in a central unified electronic interface set up for inspection by the National Police Headquarters.
The student must contact the higher education institution of which they are a student, and must arrive at the accommodation specified in the certificate within 24 hours after entering Hungary.
22 July, 2020
Rector’s circular No. 1/2020. (2020. VII. 22.) regarding the Fall Semester of academic year 2020/2021.
By the authorization granted in the decree no. 41. item 5 of Organizational and Operational Regulations of Budapest University of Technology and Economics, in accordance with the regulation of my scope of duties included in decree no. 13, Act CCIV of 2011 on National Higher Education, in order to reduce COVID epidemic hazard and to protect students’ health, pursuant to the general measures and written instructions from the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, I hereby publish the following circular.
- Starting time of classes
In order to reduce crowds on public transportation in morning rush-hours
- classes cannot start before 8:15 a.m.; and
- double (or triple or longer) classes starting at 8:15 a.m. according to schedule, have to start at 8:30 a.m., and, by eliminating at least one in-class break, must finish on time according to the schedule.
- General preventive measures
1. Face masks – or mask-like substitutes (scarves, shawls) – are mandatory within enclosed spaces of the university, especially during classes.
2. Physical distancing of one and a half meters is to be kept in between people wherever physically possible.
3. Persons showing COVID infection related symptoms must not enter university premises.
III. Measures concerning the organization of academic work
1. Until further notice, study activities in the Fall Semester of academic year 2020/2021 will resume to personal attendance with the exceptions stated in paragraphs 2-4.
2. Any university citizen (instructors, students) belonging to high risk group, or living in a household with a person belonging to high risk group, must be granted with the opportunity – based on their request – to complete their tasks in the distance education work order. Consideration of requests are adjudicated by the Dean of the Faculty or by the Faculty Study Committees in case of instructors or students, respectively.
3. In duly justified cases, with the special permission of the Dean, the Faculty might organize some courses in distance education work order only.
4. In case of lectures, personal attendance cannot be compulsory, prescribed personal attendance requirement cannot be applied.
5. Study materials for all courses must be continuously updated and uploaded to information systems available for all students (e.g. Moodle, MS Teams), in order to be able to transfer to distance education work order at any point if necessary.
IV. Special regulations concerning international students and programs in foreign (English) language
- For international students, who are able to attend in person and are staying in Hungary, in-person study activities are organized under the same regulations applying as to students in Hungarian programmes.
- International students with active student status, who cannot attend study activities in person, must be given the opportunity of distance education in such a format, that enables them to join in-person education smoothly, once it is possible. In case of international students participating in distance education, time difference between their country of residence and Hungary shall be considered, and thus such students cannot be required to join real-time online classes.
- Student participating in distance education work order must join to study activities in person at the earliest time his/her circumstances allow (as soon as possible).
Budapest, July 22, 2020.
Prof. Dr. János Józsa
June 22, 2020
Measures in relation to enhanced epidemiological protection
Further measures required in relation to Act LVIII of 2020 on the transitional rules related to the cessation of the emergency situation and on epidemiological preparedness and to certain government decrees
The Coordinating Committee, on the basis of
- Act LVIII of 2020 on transitional rules related to the cessation of the emergency situation and epidemiological preparedness,
- Government Decree 282/2020 (VI. 17.) on the cessation of the emergency situation announced on 11 March 2020,
- Government Decree 283/2020 (VI. 17.) on the introduction of epidemiological preparedness,
- Government Decree 284/2020 (VI. 17.) on transitional government decree rules related to the cessation of the emergency situation, and
- the decision of the National Chief Medical Officer on the organization and public health epidemiological conditions of examinations in higher education institutions, announced on 2 June 2020,
reviewed its measures taken between 9 March and 9 June 2020 and amended them as follows:
- Repealed measures
The following measures are repealed:
- Sections I and III of the measures dated 9 March 2020;
- Sections II and III of the measures dated 10 March 2020;
- Sections II and III of the measures dated 11 March 2020;
- the measure dated 26 March 2020;
- the measure dated 29 March 2020;
- the measure dated 17 May 2020; and
- Points 1-3 of Section I of the measures dated 18 May 2020.
- Entry of students into BME campuses, and some academic activities
- Students may enter BME campuses. A protective distance of 1.5 meters must be maintained on the territory of BME, and it is recommended to wear a mask, scarf or shawl covering the mouth and nose.
- Academic performance evaluation activities (especially: exam, complex examination) may be held only in the form of distance work order, through information systems.
- During final exams requiring personal presence, the measures of 18 May 2020 and the decision of the National Chief Medical Officer on the organization and public health epidemiological conditions of examinations in higher education institutions, announced on 2 June 2020, shall be followed.
- Visiting dormitories
Until detailed rules for visiting and using dormitories are laid down by law or authority, dormitories owned by BME, with the exception of Martos Dormitory, may not be visited or used by students.
The Coordinating Committee
June 22, 2020 Measures in relation to enhanced epidemiological protection
May 18, 2020
Measures affecting activities of the University on the basis of the Government Decree 211/2020. (V. 16.) on the protection measures in the capital Budapest
Based on the Government Decree 211/2020 (V. 16.) on protection measures in the capital Budapest (hereinafter: the Protection Decree), the Coordinating Committee shall take the following measures in order to protect the health of citizens of the Budapest University of Technology and Economic (BME) and other persons, as well as to carry out study activities safely and resulting in a low health risk.
The management of BME is committed to the full opening of the University and the restoration of the university's normal work schedule. However, it will implement this opening gradually, keeping potential health risks low and building on the experience gained in the meantime. These measures constitute the first step in this gradual opening-up program.
- Entering BME campuses, staying in the territory of the institution
- A student may not enter BME campuses, except for the doctoral student and the group of students included in items 2 and 3.
- At the request of the student, with the permission of the dean of his / her degree, the student may enter BME campuses to perform his/her dissertation (dissertation, diploma thesis) if the preparation requires personal activity on BME’s equipment on BME’s territory.
- A student of training implemented in international co-operation may enter the territory of the University in order to pass an examination or complex examination in accordance with the regulations of the foreign partner institution. The dean takes care of the observance and control of the protection measures in the exam and complex examination organized in this way.
- Persons employed by BME, with the exception of a person who has reached the age of 65, may enter the territory of the University.
- It is mandatory to maintain a protective distance of 1.5 meters on the University premises.
- Recruitments (admission) acts
- An act requiring the personal presence of an applicant may not be held in the admission procedure of a master's degree program. Applicants may not enter BME.
- An act requiring a personal presence may not be taken during an aptitude test organized as part of a general higher education admission procedure. Applicants may not enter BME.
- Exams, complex examinations
- Examinations and complex examinations (hereinafter collectively: examinations) shall be organized and conducted in distance work order through information systems, in accordance with the previous measures of the Coordinating Committee, taking into account the guidelines of the University Studies Committee[1].
- The reason for organizing the examination in distance work order is that according to the provisions of Section 7 (1) of the Protection Decree, visiting dormitories is still prohibited, and thus thousands of students – considering travel time and lack of accommodation – shall be provided with the opportunity of online exams. Based on the requirement of equal treatment and the application of the same performance assessment method, all students can take the exam uniformly in the form of online techniques.
- Final exams
- The final examination shall be organized and conducted in distance work order through information systems.
- Exceptionally, only at the request of the student, if the conditions of the examination through information systems are not provided, the final examination may be organized in the form of a presence on the territory of BME. A final examination requiring the personal presence of a student or former student may not be required or requested, however, a student's request for a final examination by personal presence may not be rejected. An instructor will only take the final exam requiring his / her personal presence only on voluntarily basis.
- The requirements for the final examination with personal presence, in accordance with point 4, shall be provided by the dean of the faculty supervising the programme, in a manner and in cooperation with the Chancellery, who shall supervise it on an ongoing basis and shall have full responsibility for it.
During the final exam with personal presence
- a room – regardless of its size – can accommodate up to five people at a time,
- persons participating the final exam are obliged to wear personal protective equipment (mask, gloves)
- on the University territory the distance of at least 1.5 meters between the persons taking part in the final examination must be maintained throughout the procedure and it must be constantly monitored;
- through continuous supervision of the participants in the final examination, it shall be ensured that no personal contact takes place during the procedure;
- the student participating in the final exam must start the examination after waiting no more than 15 minutes after entering the territory of the University;
- the final examination students, the examiners and the contributors may not use the same IT equipment without prior disinfection, they may not give each other tangible assets, and no other person may occupy a previously occupied, used place without prior disinfection;
- the final examination may not exceed 60 minutes per student in total;
- the final examination report must be kept entirely in electronic form, it must be prepared as an electronic document and provided with digital authentication; the preparation of a report on a paper-based data carrier is prohibited;
- the result of the final examination must be communicated to the candidate immediately after the last element of the examination and the short, closed meeting of the final examination committee, and the candidate must then leave the territory of the University immediately;
- the dean – in a manner agreed with and in cooperation with the Chancellery – shall ensure – if required – the continuous supply of candidates and all participants protective equipment (mask, rubber gloves, hand sanitizer), and ensure safe collection and replacement of used protective equipment;
- the dean – in a manner agreed with and in cooperation with the Chancellery – is obliged to arrange for the final examination environment (classroom, classroom, corridors) and the devices used during the final examination (equipment, IT equipment, other devices) shall be disinfected with a virucidal agent[2] at maximum every four hours before and during the exam.
- The detailed faculty rules for conducting the final examination shall be established by the dean within the framework of active legislations, the university organization regulators and the present measures.
The Coordinating Committee
[1] Available at: https://www.kth.bme.hu/en/general-information/downloadable-documents/
[2] As per the NM Decree 18/1998 (VI. 3.) on the epidemiological measures necessary for the prevention of diseases and epidemics
April 11, 2020
Complementing the measures of 16 March 2020 related to enhanced epidemiological protection
With effect from 14 April 2020, point 15 of the measures published by the Coordination Committee on 16 March 2020 shall be replaced by the following:
15. Activities related to doctoral programs, obtaining doctoral degrees as well as habilitation procedures - complex exam, defense of thesis, internal defense - may be held only in particularly justified cases and online only under the professional supervision of the Habilitation Committee and Doctoral Council of BME.
April 9, 2020
Further measures in relation to enhanced epidemiological protection
Deviating from the Regulations on Student Fees and Benefits of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, the Coordination Committee shall regulate the procedures applicable to the fees to be paid by students in the event of an epidemiological emergency, as follows:
I. General provisions
- During the emergency state declared by the Government, the Regulations on Student Fees and Benefits (hereinafter: TJSZ) shall apply in accordance with the present measures with respect to student payment obligations.
- In the case of a fee with a payment deadline of 11 March 2020 or later, BME shall not enforce the special late payment fee specified in Section 1 Paragraph (2) of Annex 2 of TJSZ, if the student pays its overdue debt by 15 April 2020 at the latest.
- After 15 April 2020, special late payment fees shall be applied in the usual manner.
II. Residence hall (dormitory) fees
- As of April 2020, the residence hall fee indicated in Section 11 of the TJSZ shall be paid only by those students of Hungarian citizenship who have remained entitled to dormitory accommodation during the emergency state. In their case, the Category II residence hall fee indicated in Annex 1 of TJSZ applies from April.
- For students not covered by point 1, residence hall fee obligations previously imposed in the Neptun system will be cancelled.
- For the above-concerned students who have previously fulfilled their payment obligations for the month of April 2020 or the following months, BME will refund the paid dormitory fees within 15 days after the current measure entries into force.
- Students are not exempted from paying other dormitory service fees incurred prior to the dormitory departure deadline (March 16, 2020).
- For residence hall fees for the month of March 2020, the following amounts (in HUF) shall apply and for active items the payment deadline shall be amended to 15 April:
Residence hall fee in March 2020 for state-funded students |
Residence hall fee in March 2020 for self-financed students |
Residence hall fee in March 2020 for senior residence hall mentors |
Category I |
4 660,- |
10 485,- |
4 660,- |
Category II |
5 825,- |
11 650,- |
5 825,- |
- For concerned students who have previously paid the residence hall fee for March, BME will refund the payment difference considering the fees indicated in point 5, within 15 days of the entry into force of this measure.
- In the case of dormitory students of foreign nationality, students who have officially moved out of the dormitory will no longer be required to pay the previously assigned residence hall fees. Foreign students moving to Martos Dormitory are required to pay fee assigned to the Martos Dormitory.
III. Self-financing fee
The provisions of Section 10 of TJSZ concerning the self-financing fee shall remain in force with the modification that the following requests can be submitted until the end of the Spring Semester of 2020, with regard to the emergency state: requests to modify the due date of payment or instalment payment specified in Section 10 Paragraph (6), requests to redraw the registration for the active term specified in Paragraph 9.
IV. Other service and administration fees
- In case of fee items not covered in Section I-III of this measure, the relevant provisions of the TJSZ shall continue to apply.
- In case of service fees, if student ordered a given service before the emergency state, but could not or only partially use it due to the emergency, the (comprehensive) organizational unit providing the service must strive to ensure that the student can use the service after the end of the emergency state without any extra fee. The service fee must be reimbursed to students who, due to the termination of their legal relationship, are unable to use the service at a later date.
V. Closing provisions
- This measure shall enter into force on 9 April 2020.
- This measure shall expire on the thirtieth day after the cessation of the emergency state declared by the Government on 11 March 2020.
Coordination Committee
April 9, 2020 Further measures in relation to enhanced epidemiological protection
Dear Student,
We kindly remind you that the Hungarian Government imposed a curfew restriction between March 28 and April 11, which means that you must not leave your place of residence/place of stay, except for work, basic necessities and well-founded reasons* (refer to our notification announced on 27 March at http://www.bme.hu/news/20200406/New_information_on_the_coronavirus?language=en).
We also call your attention that special measures are in effect due to the epidemiological situation, especially in the protocol handling persons with confirmed or suspected infection. Leaving the officially ordered quarantine, confronting official and medical professionals are considered as violation of law.
We emphasize that failure to comply with the special measures, restrictions and – in general – with the Hungarian law shall be considered a violation by the Government, yielding to immediate investigation by the Immigration Office and potentially resulting in expulsion order.
We wish all our citizens protected from such negative consequences as well as from infection, therefore ask you to pay special attention to follow the measures, and cooperate with the authorities.
Please be aware of that the measures in effect taken by BME are announced at https://www.bme.hu/news/20200406/New_information_on_the_coronavirus.
Thank you for your cooperation and we wish you good health!
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Recall that well-founded reason for leaving your place of stay are as follow (according to the Government Decree No 71/2020 (III. 27.)):
- using health-care services, which includes both physical and mental health services (e.g. psychotherapy, physiotherapy),
- individual leisure sports activities, walking in the open air, and in the cities, preferably in green spaces, carried out alone or with the members of the same household, with a minimum distance of 1.5 meters,
- taking care of pets eg. taking them for walks in public spaces, taking them to the vet,
- administration requiring personal appearance, including government, banking, financial, insurance and postal services ONLY if personal appearance is absolutely necessary,
- taking care of vulnerable persons (the sick, the elderly or children),
- getting married or holding a funeral ceremony in a tight family circle,
- religious activities (except visiting places of public worship).
Extended stay in restaurants, bars, pubs, fast food outlets or any other such catering establishments is forbidden. However, it is allowed to order take-outs in person or with delivery.
Groceries, pharmacies, markets, pet food stores, gas stations, tobacco stores, beauty salons, vehicle repair services and drugstores are allowed to be visited. People over the age of 65 can only visit these places between 9AM and 12PM, but anyone under 65 must not visit these facilities during this time.
In public places (public transport included), please keep a distance of 1,5 meters from everyone.
March 29, 2020
Further measures in relation to enhanced epidemiological protection
In order to ensure the success of epidemiological protection activities, as well as to protect the life and health of BME citizens, and in consideration of
– curfew restrictions taken by the Governmental Decree 71/2020. (III. 27.), as well as
– the decision of the National Chief Medical Officer dated 26 March 2020,
the Coordination Committee shall introduce the following measures from March 30, 2020:
- students, including PhD students, are not allowed to enter BME campuses even if they have employment relationship with BME;
- persons over the age of 65 are not allowed to enter BME campuses, even if they have an employment relationship with BME.
Coordination Committee
March 29, 2020 Further measures in relation to enhanced epidemiological protection
Dear Student,
You have probably heard or read by now that the Hungarian Government is imposing a curfew restriction between March 28 and April 11, which means that you must not leave your place of residence/place of stay, except for work, basic necessities and well-founded reasons, which are the following (according to the Government Decree No 71/2020 (III. 27.)):
- using health-care services, which includes both physical and mental health services (e.g. psychotherapy, physiotherapy),
- individual leisure sports activities, walking in the open air, and in the cities, preferably in green spaces, carried out alone or with the members of the same household, with a minimum distance of 1.5 meters,
- taking care of pets eg. taking them for walks in public spaces, taking them to the vet,
- administration requiring personal appearance, including government, banking, financial, insurance and postal services ONLY if personal appearance is absolutely necessary,
- taking care of vulnerable persons (the sick, the elderly or children),
- getting married or holding a funeral ceremony in a tight family circle,
- religious activities (except visiting places of public worship).
Extended stay in restaurants, bars, pubs, fast food outlets or any other such catering establishments is forbidden. However, it is allowed to order take-outs in person or with delivery.
Groceries, pharmacies, markets, pet food stores, gas stations, tobacco stores, beauty salons, vehicle repair services and drugstores are allowed to be visited. People over the age of 65 can only visit these places between 9AM and 12PM, but anyone under 65 must not visit these facilities during this time.
In public places (public transport included), please keep a distance of 1,5 meters from everyone.
Failure to comply with the above shall be considered a violation by the Government, therefore please pay special attention to follow these measures.
Thank you for your cooperation and we wish you good health!
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
March 26, 2020
Further measures in relation to enhanced epidemiological protection
I. Additional provisions on the organization of study work
The Hungarian Government proclaimed a state of emergency by the Governmental Decree No. 40/2020. (III. 11.) in accordance with paragraph 53 (1) of the Constitutional Law, and further measures were taken by the Governmental Decree 41/2020 (III. 11.). These two decrees – in accordance with the paragraph 53 (3) of the Constitutional Law – are in effect for a period of 15 days, accordingly they shall expire on 27 March 2020.
Paragraph 4 b) of the repealed Decree 41/2020. (III. 11.) prohibits students from entering the university's campuses, therefore, due to its repeal, there will be no legal restrictions from Monday. However, opening of the campuses is still undesirable in the view of the enhanced epidemiological activities.
- The Coordination Committee states that its measures taken on 11 March, 2020 – particularly Section II./1./a. – are still in effect, and accordingly, students are prohibited to enter the university campuses, even if the referred governmental decree is repealed.
- From 30 March 2020, BME will continue its education in the form of distance education work order.
II. Modification of the Coordination Committee measures of 9 March 2020
1. Point I.1 of Section I of the measures of 9 March 2020 shall be replaced as follows:
„All BME citizens who have travelled abroad or been in contact with a person who has been infected or quarantined by authorities, shall be self-isolated by home quarantine for a period of two weeks from the date of their return or their last contact with the infected or quarantined person. Direct contact with other persons shall be limited to the necessary minimum, avoiding any contact with communities.”
Coordination Committee
March 26, 2020 Further measures in relation to enhanced epidemiological protection
March 22, 2020
Further measures in relation to enhanced epidemiological protection
Further provisions on the organization of study work
- In accordance with the provisions of the Coordination Committee of 16 March 2020, study activities in the distance education work order shall be completed through the use of information systems. In this work order, provisions of the Code of Studies (CoS) may only be applied if they do not conflict with the measures taken by the Coordination Committee for the enhanced epidemiological protection activities.
- If a measure taken by the Coordination Committee deviates from the provisions of the CoS, or establishes a different code of conduct, the measures shall be followed and, where appropriate, the provisions of the CoS shall be waived.
- The study activities and the assessments of the learning outcomes shall be organized in such a way that the student can fulfil his / her prescribed study obligations in a scheduled manner.
- Assessment of learning outcomes, the result of which is not taken into account in determining the subject mark and is only a condition of eligibility for the exam, may be omitted. In this case, all students enrolled in the course are eligible for the exam (all student get signature entry “Signed” for the subject).
- Formative assessment (e.g. homework) may be used instead of summative assessment (e.g. midterm exam), if the nature, aims and learning outcomes of the subject allow. The students shall be notified of the modifications in advance and a deadline of at least fifteen days shall be set for submitting the formative assessment.
- In the distance education work order, the provisions of CoS on identity authentication (Section 136 of CoS) do not apply. In the distance education work order, the instructor shall exercise due diligence and thoroughness in verifying student's identity during the assessment of academic performance following the capabilities of the information systems.
Coordination Committee
March 22, 2020 Further measures in relation to enhanced epidemiological protection
March 16, 2020
Further measures in relation to enhanced epidemiological protection
Provisions concerning the organization of study work and schedule of Spring Semester
- After the extraordinary school holiday ordered by the Rector and the spring holiday moved earlier (with a total period of March 12-20, 2020), BME will switch to distance education work order from March 23, 2020 until the Government withdraws the state of emergency or orders other measures.
- The week starting on March 23 will be considered as Week 6 of the study period.
- Instructors continue to fulfil their duties in the distance education work order.
- The Spring Break initially ordered for the period of April 14-17, 2020 by the Rector's Order for the schedule of the academic year 2019/2020 is shifted to the period of March 16-20, 2020, accordingly the period of April 14-17, 2020 is considered as teaching period.
- In the Spring Semester of the academic year 2019/2020, the education work shall be scheduled as originally scheduled, except for the necessary changes due to extraordinary breaks and the rearrangement of school weeks.
- Students shall have the opportunity to complete the enrolled subjects and obtain credit for the enrolled subjects. A student may not be called upon to drop an enrolled subject. Subject registration can only be deleted upon explicit request of the student submitted through SAS (Neptun).
- Taking into account the European situation, Hungarian students taking part in exchange programmes abroad (such as the Erasmus program), may register university subjects without any time limit and extra fees and may attempt to complete them.
In the distance education work order
- study activities shall be provided using Information Systems, in accordance with the original semester schedule, in order to be continuously followed, processed and received by the students;
- mid-term learning outcomes assessments shall be carried out in accordance with the original spring semester assessment schedule, but introducing the modifications resulted by paragraphs 4 and 5; performance assessments cannot be combined or applied in a concentrated manner;
- In order to facilitate the continuous progress of students, additional checkpoints, feedback points and diagnostic evaluations provided in the Information System shall be included in the educational program, the results of which may be taken into consideration in the assessment of the academic performance only if the student succeeds with them.
- Study activities normally requiring personal involvement of the student in the regular work order (e.g. laboratory practices, pedagogical exercises) shall be solved in alternative ways by using Information Systems in the distance learning work order.
- If implementation of provisions of paragraphs 8 and 9 is not possible due to the nature of the study activity, the educational organizational unit shall provide the student with the opportunity to complete another subject that can be completed in a distance learning work order and the content of which corresponds to the learning outcomes of the degree program. In this case the provisions of paragraph 6 do not apply. After the withdraw of the emergency situation, the student cannot be obliged to complete the subjects replaced by other subjects in the current distance education work order.
- Provisions of paragraph 10 (subject replacement) may also be implemented by temporarily departing from the program curriculum and exchanging the subject semester of the subjects. In this case, the corresponding subject pre-requisites do not apply.
- In addition to the opportunities set out in the academic performance assessment schedule, a further free-of-charge opportunity shall be provided for the retake of the mid-term study activities (failed or non-completed study activity or for purpose of improvement of grade), by the tenth day of the examination period. Requirements for limiting the number of repetitions and retakes in the subject requirement do not apply in the current situation.
Exams and complex exams shall be announced for the examination period in accordance with the Rector's Order for the schedule of the academic year 2019/2020 as follows:
- exams, complex exams shall be conducted using information technology;
- the minimum number of exams and complex exams is two per week during the examination period;
- in case of combined exams, the oral examination part, including the oral examination part of complex exams, may be dispensed with;
- upon the request of a student, additional – deferred – exams may be announced in the two weeks after the examination period without specific permission.
- The Coordination Committee will provide information on the procedure for conducting admission interviews, admission exams and final exams later.
- Activities related to doctoral programs and obtaining doctoral degrees – complex exam, defense of thesis – cannot be held until other measures are taken.
Coordination Committee
March 16, 2020 Further measures in relation to enhanced epidemiological protection
March 12, 2020
Further measures in relation to enhanced epidemiological protection
In the Government Decree 40/2020. (III. 11.) the Government of Hungary declared a state of emergency throughout Hungary. Additional detailed rules are specified in the Government Decree 41/2020. (III. 12.), being effective from March 12, 2020. Based on the government decrees and written instructions from the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, the Coordination Committee will enforce the following measures from 4:00 pm on March 12, 2020:
Provisions for dormitories and dormitory residents
- Hungarian citizen dormitory residents must leave dormitories by the end of the day on March 13, 2020, and return to their homes. International students may continue to stay in dormitories.
- According to the order of the Ministry, the Rector can – on the basis of equity – allow a Hungarian citizen dormitory resident to reside in the dormitory from March 14, 2020, only if he or she has no place to return home. Student shall submit the request on staying in dormitory to the central email address covid19info@mail.bme.hu. Irrespective of the submission of the request, the dormitory shall be left.
- From 12.00am on March 14, 2020, Hungarian students and doctoral students entitled to reside through the special permit, and foreign students may stay in the dormitory. Visitors are not allowed in the dormitory area.
- Community programs and events are not allowed in the dormitories.
March 12, 2020 Further measures in relation to enhanced epidemiological protection
11 March, 2020
Further measures in relation to enhanced epidemiological protection
In the Government Decree 40/2020. (III. 11.) the Government of Hungary declared a state of emergency throughout Hungary. On the basis of the Government Decree and the information provided by the responsible Ministry of Innovation and Technology, the Coordination Committee takes the following measures with effect from 19:00 on March 11, 2020:
I. Suspension of educational activities
1. The regular education activities at BME shall be suspended and reorganized for an indefinite period from 12:00 am on March 12, 2020, as follows:
- March 12-13, 2020 (Thursday and Friday): extraordinary School Holiday ordered by the Rector;
- March 16-20, 2020: Spring Holiday;
- starting from March 23, 2020, the teaching activities shall be carried out in an extraordinary working order, using distance learning methods (through advanced technologies, information systems).
2. Due to the emergency situation, the Spring Semester will be extended until August 31, 2020, and certain study activities (e.g. laboratory exercises, exams, final exams) may be completed by this date.
3. The Coordination Committee shall decide later, in consultation with the Ministry, on the schedule of the remainder of the semester.
II. Provisions concerning students
1. During the period of suspension of regular education activity, i.e. from 12:00 AM, 12 March 2020
- students, excluding PhD students, are prohibited to enter the university;
- Hungarian citizens or dormitory residents having permanent residence in Hungary must leave the dormitory without delay (not later than by 15 March 2020) and return to their place of residence;
- foreign dormitory residents not having permanent residence in Hungary may remain in the dormitory, if their return to their permanent residence (home) is not possible.
2. In the light of the emergency, the Government will temporarily amend certain higher education laws, including those on reclassification.
3. The student can deal with any case related to his / her studies only electronically.
III. Provisions concerning university staff
1. Employees (irrespective of their employment status) are required to fulfil their duties according to the regular working order, may enter the university, but must comply with the restrictions provided by the previous measures taken on the epidemiological protection activities.
2. During the Extraordinary Holiday – March 12-22, 2020 – instructors shall develop distance learning methods to carry out their educational activities.
3. Fulfilment of duties related to the operation of BME (operation, finance, IT, HR and other services, typically the responsibilities of the Chancellery) remain unchanged, and the restrictions do not apply to personnel carrying out these activities. The same applies to organizations providing services to the institution within the university, and to companies and their employees.
March 11, 2020 Further measures in relation to enhanced epidemiological protection
March 10, 2020
Further measures in relation to enhanced epidemiological protection
The Coordination Committee, taking into account the enhanced epidemiological protection measures announced on 9 March, has taken the following additional measures:
I. Establishment and use of central information email address
BME has created the e-mail address covid19info@mail.bme.hu for information flow on the coronavirus (COVID-19). Using this address, any BME citizen may inquire information or submit notification.
II. Informing students and surveying the concerned student population
1. A specific questionnaire called ‘088 COVID-19’ is created in Neptun, on the basis of the obligation ordered by the Ministry in relation to the enhanced epidemiological protection activities, in order to survey the concerned student population, to comply with the reporting obligation to the Ministry and to comprehensively collect and manage data. The questionnaire ‘088 COVID-19’ contains the compulsory data requested by the Ministry, as well as other data related to the student’s studies. This questionnaire shall be used for declaring if a student is possibly affected by the coronavirus infection, for stating the reason for the absence from study activities and the information requested by the Ministry. BME informs the Ministry on the basis of the student's questionnaire (by forwarding the student's data). The Ministry may order further epidemiological measures for the students concerned. Failure to submit this request results in that absence from study activities and performance evaluation will result in the consequences given in the CoS.
2. The Coordination Committee urges instructors, teaching staff, and colleagues of the Central Academic Office that in case of any student inquiry in relation to the enhanced epidemiological protection activities
a) to call students' attention to the information and measures published on the website www.bme.hu;
b) to forward all relevant e-mails to the central e-mail address covid19info@mail.bme.hu;
c) if the request is made verbally (personally or by phone), to advise the student to write his / her request or question to the central e-mail address.
3. The Coordination Committee urges the staff of the Central Academic Office, the Dean's Offices, managements of educational activities and all personnel responsible for the organization of education and study administration, to cancel personal consulting hours, and change to contact via phone or e-mail.
III. Measures concerning university staff
1. According to the Ministry’s order, employees of BME
a) are prohibited to travel abroad on official missions;
b) at BME campuses cannot accept visitors from the affected countries
2. In order to ensure the uniform implementation of the Measures of 9 March 2020 (hereinafter: Measures), provisions contained therein shall be understood as follows
a) as for Section I.1., I.2. and I.3. of the Measures, concerned person is a person who has been to or has returned from the affected regions listed in the actual, constantly updated information document of the National Public Health Center, or a person who has been in close contact with a person officially confirmed by authorities to be infected or has been officially isolated by the authorities. The concerned person shall immediately report his/her involvement to the employer (the person exercising the employer’s rights); and the concerned person must comply with the provisions for epidemiological isolation;
b) as for Section I.5. of Measures, "person belonging to high risk group" means any person who is at increased risk because of his or her age or health status.Persons belonging to high risk group shall inform their involvement to the employer, and shall refrain from entering BME campuses;
c) as for Section I.6. of Measures, "person indirectly concerned" means a person who is living in a household with a personbelonging to high risk group. An indirectly concerned person may request remote work from his/her employer;
d) study activities (e.g. lectures) are not considered as mass events, even if exceeding 50 persons, and shall be conducted in accordance with the timetable and, where appropriate, realized using advanced technology.
March 10, 2020 – Further measures in relation to enhanced epidemiological protection
09 March, 2020
To All BME Citizens!
The Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)
- for the effective and coordinated implementation of enhanced epidemiological protection activities against the coronavirus (COVID-19) disease;
- for the effective protection of the health of BME's citizens; and
- to ensure an appropriate level of fulfilment of duties in the context of the epidemiological situation
has taken the following measures with immediate effect:
1. To coordinate epidemiological protection activities and for decision support, BME has established a Coordination Committee consisting of the Rector, Vice-Rectors, Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, Heads of Cabinet of the Rector's Office and of the Chancellor's Office, Director for Education, Director for International Academic Affairs, Director for Student Services, Chair of the University Student Representation and Head of Department of Property and Institutional Security. The Coordination Committee is co-directed by the Rector and the Chancellor, its secretary is the Director for Education.
2. The Coordination Committee
a) coordinates the implementation of the internal measures necessary for the management of the epidemiological situation;
b) organizes the implementation of external measures (officially required by authorities) to address the epidemiological situation;
c) to the Rector and the Chancellor advises measures for epidemiological control, or, in case of urgency, can directly make decision; and
d) informs BME citizens.
3. The Coordination Committee shall perform its work on a continuous basis, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Its members make decisions and communicate in person or electronically.
4. Executives of the university must be available (by phone) during the epidemiological protection period and are required to keep track of their email traffic.
5. The Coordination Committee shall electronically communicate its decisions and measures to the executives concerned. The addressee shall implement the measures without delay.
6. BME provides to its citizens comprehensive information on the epidemiological protection activities on the website www.bme.hu, or directly through the Study Administration System (SAS) (Neptun). All BME citizens shall comply with the decisions of the Coordination Committee.
I. Mandatory measures for epidemiological control and infection prevention
1. All BME citizens who
a) have visited / have been in the regions affected by the corona virus COVID-19 in the last 14 days (in particular, but not limited to: China, South Korea, Iran, Italy, France, Spain, United States); or
b) have contacted a person who has travelled to a country referred to in (a) in the last 14 days shall stay in preventive home quarantine for two weeks from the date of announcement of this document (with an expected end date March 22, 2020), shall limit direct contact with other persons to the necessary minimum, and shall avoid contact with communities.
Unless otherwise specified by the Coordination Committee, persons concerned according to subparagraphs (a) and (b) are prohibited to enter BME campuses during the indicated period.
We call the attention of the BME citizens that violation of the official epidemiological regulations is qualified as criminal act.
2. The measures taken in paragraph 1 shall also apply to any instructor or student who has undertaken a study activity jointly with a student affected by the corona virus or officially isolated by the authorities.
3. Dormitory residents concerned according to paragraphs 1 and 2 shall immediately inform the head of the dormitory. The Directorate for Student Services (HSZI) of the Chancellery shall immediately initiate the official protocol for the person concerned.
4. We urge all BME citizens to follow and comply with the instructions for prevention, protection and medical treatments, provided at the official websites https://www.nnk.gov.hu/index.php/lakossagi-tajekoztatok/koronavirus/526-tudnivalok-roviden and https://koronavirus.gov.hu/
5. Any BME citizen (a person with any legal relationship to BME) belonging to high risk group for the new coronavirus (e.g. Professor Emeritus, Professor Emerita, age over 70) or if suffers from chronic illness, shall not enter BME campuses until further action, and shall report to the employer (the person exercising the employer's rights).
6. BME citizens living in a household with a person belonging to high risk group (elderly, chronically ill, pregnant, raising a minor child), should carefully consider whether a personal presence on campus is absolutely necessary during the period of the enhanced epidemiological protection.
7. Mass events (typically with participant number exceeding 50; particularly, but not exclusive to student fairs, diploma ceremonies, job fairs, conferences, exhibitions, etc.) belong to epidemiologically high-risk events, and thus are currently prohibited and shall be postponed.
II. Provisions concerning the organization of academic work
1. In the case of a student who fails to attend a contact lesson due to compliance with Section I or due to an obligation by the authorities, such absence shall be deemed so that the requirements for attendance and participation in the contact lesson, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Studies (CoS) on absence, compulsory attendance and participation, are fulfilled (absence is justified). The student is not required to present a medical or other certificate. Student shall report the absence either through the request specifically created in the SAS (Neptun) or, in lack of such special request type, through "Other Requests".
2. In cases where an instructor is unable to hold a contact lesson in person within BME campuses due to compliance with Section I or due to an official obligation, the teaching activity (lectures, seminars, assessment and evaluation of academic achievement, etc.) can be completed by using Information Systems, provided that students are in advance informed through SAS (Neptun).
3. If the enhanced epidemiological protection activities require shorter period (not exceeding 30 days), contact lessons and other educational activities should preferably be carried out using the Information System as per paragraph 2. In the event of prolonged enhanced epidemiological protection activities, the Rector, based on the proposal of the Coordination Committee, shall amend the academic calendar and provide for temporary rules to meet study requirements.
III. Provisions concerning the fulfilment of duties
1. For employees (irrespective of the type of employment status and the employer) who are quarantined as a result of the enhanced epidemiological protection, either on the basis of employer's decision or based on obligation by authorities, the working days concerned shall be considered as justified absences without any reduction in salary. Those isolated in hospital or within the framework of a health care system will receive the statutory benefit during the quarantine period.
2. Absence of the employee shall be authorized by the employer (the person exercising employer's rights).
3. Irrespective of the type of employment status and the employer (the person exercising the employer's right), in case an employee's position, scope of activities and duties allow the employee to work remotely (from home), upon the employee's request the superior (person exercising the employer's rights) is bound to order the remote work.
4. Despite the current situation, BME maintains its commitment to international cooperation in higher education and science, and supports international mobility of BME citizens. However, please note that
a. traveling abroad or receiving foreign visitor entails an increased epidemic risk, including the possible cancellation of the return trip of the person concerned;
b. pre-booked trips may subsequently fail, planned events may be cancelled or rescheduled.
The above may result in significant cost implications and may lead to accounting problems. With respect to the risks, all BME citizens are recommended to carefully deliberate the intended trips and plans for inviting foreign guests, and consider the potential consequences.
IV. Hygiene rules
1. Once again we remind BME citizens to adhere to the basic hygiene rules, including that affected persons shall not visit public areas and communities. We additionally draw attention of all BME citizens that they should continuously gather information, they should understand the increased social sensitivity associated with the spread of the new coronavirus; refrain from generating panic and dissemination of unreliable information.
2. In line with the enhanced epidemiological protection activities, in order to prevent infection the following are suggested:
a) unless otherwise specified in further action, no food shall be consumed in classrooms or other public areas, with the exception of rooms dedicated for meals (buffets, restaurants);
b) consider personal hygiene, thorough hand washing with soap or disinfectant (lasting at least 40 seconds);
c) avoid common physical contact (e.g. handshake);
d) if the symptoms are observed, notify your general practitioner doctor by phone and follow the doctor's instructions.
Budapest, March 9, 2020.
Information briefing on 9th March
February 27, 2020
To all BME citizens,
To prevent the spread of the coronavirus we ask all BME citizens who have been to places affected by the infection to avoid visiting the university premises for two weeks from the date of return to Hungary.
We strongly ask all BME citizens to be aware of the followings:
- if you feel any infection related symptoms (ie. fever, dry cough, etc.), immediately call your doctor or the South Pest Central Hospital (Egyesített Szent István és Szent László Kórház- Rendelőintézet; Dél-pesti Centrumkórház)
- personal hygiene, such as thorough hand washing is an important factor of preventing getting infected
In case of any related issues, international students should also contact the BME Directorate of Student Services (+36-1-463-3852, e-mail: studentoffice@hszi.bme.hu).
If noticing symptoms or have further questions please attend the services of the Hungarian government's call center by the phone numbers +36-80-277-455 and +36-80-277-456 or by email under koronavirus@bm.gov.hu.
János Józsa, rector
February 03, 2020
The major risk currently is related to incoming people from the Far East and Southeast Asia. Thus the main risk group includes those who have visited the region especially the city and the surroundings of Wuhan in China in the recent weeks or share the same household with someone who has done so.
To prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, the leaders of the BME has initiated the following actions:
- we have started to collect information on students and faculty members within the risk group
- we asked those who are returning from the affected regions to stay at home during the virus' incubation period
- in order to support this, the BME officially acknowledges the upcoming two weeks for involved students to stay away from classes
- to eliminate infection risks we are publishing information on the websites of the BME
- there are warning signs in public places all over the University
- restrooms are cleaned and checked with a higher frequency
- liquid soap dispensers are constantly checked and several of them are filled with disinfectant soap that is indicated with special stickers
- there is disinfectant liquid at frequently visited spots at the University
- in case of necessity we are ready to act immediately with the related professionals
- we call the attention of all citizens of the BME to follow instructions of hygiene such as frequent and thorough washing of hands and in case of any related symptoms visit the doctor
- we are also planning to create a platform for regular information update on the disease in connection with the BME
To prevent the infection is our common interest. Therefore we strongly ask all BME citizens to be aware of the followings:
- if you feel any infection related symptoms (ie. fever, dry cough, etc.), immediately visit your doctor or the South Pest Central Hospital (Egyesített Szent István és Szent László Kórház- Rendelőintézet; Dél-pesti Centrumkórház)
- at this time of the year there is currently a seasonal flu pandemic, meaning that the mentioned symptoms, most likely, are related to the flu; at the same time, the prevention of spreading of that disease is also important by visiting your doctor, avoiding going to the public and taking care of personal hygiene
- personal hygiene, such as thorough hand washing is also an important factor of preventing getting infected
In case of any related issues, international students should also contact the BME Directorate of Student Services (+36-1-463-3852, e-mail: studentoffice@hszi.bme.hu).
János Józsa, rector