2012. December 06.
Some datas about BME HPC Cluster, the 360-core supercomputer in its first three months.
Superman more than 2*1019 floating-point operations performed, the implementation of which more than 64 years to a 1-core processor. The machine utilized in average of 69%.
The machine's resources are already used in many research tasks BME researchers, such as semiconductor nanocrystals for optical and dynamical properties of the test, the simulation of urban ventilation, or even the human eye numerical biomechanical testing. BME Superman were used by 33 research projects for the first 3 months.
Researchers of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology used the best resources on the machine. Most of the projects were in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics researchers defined. A detailed list of projects, and a brief summary of the terms of usage of the machine are available on the website.
The machine for the first three months of the published information can be found at https://superman.eik.bme.hu/media/info.pdf.
The purchase of computer the "New talent development programs and scientific research at the BME" in SROP program complemented. The main goal of the project is to guide the students and researchers towards research, development and innovation paths and activities of international quality. Our 70 million HUF worth, cluster based computer, acquired for this goal to be realized, fits well into the integrated reserach-oriented talent development program of BME.