2015. April 29.
The CrySyS Lab Team of BME won International Capture The Flag, the world's largest and longest-running educational hacking competition.
The iCTF contest is organized by the Department of Computer Science at the University of California in Santa Barbara especially for university teams and it is one of the most important and respected among computer security competitions. In the event held on 10 April 88 teams from various countries of the world were taking part. The Budapest University of Technology and Economics was represented by the !SpamAndHex team of the CrySyS Lab IT Security Laboratory of the Department of Networked Systems and Services.
The winner hacker team included members of the CrySyS Student Core, students and PhD students of the Laboratory and young scientists of the Talent Development Program:
Gábor Ács-Kurucz, Alex Badics, Boldizsár Bencsáth, Máté Bene, Levente Buttyán, Márk Félegyházi, András Gazdag, Tamás Hegedűs, Zsolt Hegyi, Tamás Holczer, Máté Horváth, Roland Kamarás, Ákos Korsós, Balázs Kócsó, György Miru, Bálint Molnár, Gábor Molnár, Ádám István Mózes, Antal Németh, József Kett, Róbert Kiss, Tamás Koczka, István Kurucsai, Lilla Lomoschitz, Dávid Osztertág, Dorottya Papp, Győző Papp, Gábor Pék, Gábor Szarka, Miklós Tolnai, Kamilla Tóth, Levente Tóth, Erik Krisztián Varga, Iván András Varga, Gábor Vaspöri, Balázs Rostás.
After some local and national competitions UCSB has been organizing the international iCTF contest since 2004, (further info: http://ictf.cs.ucsb.edu/) where this year CrySySLab was participating with its hacker team for the 4th time. Supporters, namely Microsec, Evopro, MRG-Effitas, Tresorit and Balabit also contrubuted to the success of !SpamAndHex . |