BME ahead of world-renowned universities

The Budapest University of Technology and Economics is the only Hungarian university among the top institutions with the most verified pre-publication peer reviews.

Academic researchers use Publons to showcase their expert reviewer or editorial work for global scientific journals.

The official registry of peer reviews is a website and free service for academics to track, verify and showcase their peer review and editorial contributions across the world's academic journals, measured by a scientometric index which is soon expected to become a key indicator for assessing applications and compiling rankings.

In 2017 BME was the only Hungarian university to appear among the top ranking higher education institutions with the most peer reviews. Recently published data about the researchers and institutions with the most peer reviews in the past 12 months show that the Budapest University of Technology and Economics is ranked in a prestigious 8th place in the „Materials Science” category and 19th in the „Engineering” category, overtaking such famous institutions as Stanford University, University of Birmingham or North Carolina State University.

Publons was launched in 2012 and to date more than 175 thousand researchers have joined the website. By turning peer review into a measurable research output, academics can use their reviewing record as evidence of their standing and influence in their field.

The scientometric importance of Publons data is clearly shown by the fact that in the summer of 2017 the non-profit service company was bought by Clarivate Analytics (formerly Thomson Reuters’ ISI business), owner of the Web of Sciene/Web of Knowledge databases, which is a key player in providing scientometric indices of Hungary’s scientific community.

There are currently 23 reviewers from BME on the website (two of them, Imre Orbulov and László Poppe are among the top 1%). Articles reviewed by them are published in such prestigious journals as the Chemical Reviews or in the field of material sciences in Materials and Design, Materials Science&Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing or the Composite Structures.


Main photo from: Publons