2024. January 30.
BME retains its top position among November applicants: 1 out of 4 students starting their studies in the upcoming spring semester will be attending BME.
In addition to the ongoing general admission procedure ending on 15 February, BME also places great importance on cross-semester admissions, for which applications were accepted until 15 November 2023. Recent admission results have shown that BME's Master's degrees continue to be highly popular among cross-semester applicants.
As was the case last year, this February BME will welcome the largest number of students in its 50 Master’s programmes. According to figures recently published by the Educational Authority of Hungary, a total of 5,813 candidates have applied for cross-semester courses, of whom 4,804 have gained admission. Almost a quarter of all applicants, 1306 people applied to BME, and 938 were accepted. Notably, 97% of them selected a BME course as their first choice, highlighting the university’s popularity. ELTE, as in previous years, was the second most favoured higher education institution.
Among the 50 courses being launched this semester, the most popular one is the degree in Computer Engineering offered by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics: 284 candidates applied and 194 gained admission. In addition, 177 people applied for the Management and Leadership degree offered by the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, and 53 were accepted. Moreover, out of 172 applicants, 78 were admitted to the Mechanical Engineering degree offered by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
97% of those admitted will attend on a state scholarship, a rate well above the national average of 74% for the upcoming spring semester, according to the Educational Authority.
The general admission procedure is open until 15 February. You can find detailed information on the admission procedure at felvi.bme.hu and also make use of the admission score calculator provided there.
Rector’s Cabinet Communications Directorate