Name: Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Abbreviated name: Budapest Univ Technol & Econ, BME
Műegyetem rkp. 3.
1111 Budapest
English website:
Web of Science search term: ORGANIZATION-ENHANCED:(Budapest University of Technology & Economics)
Scopus search term: AF-ID ( "Budapest University of Technology and Economics" 60030035 )
PATSTAT search term: APP = "budapesti muszaki es gazdasagtudomanyi egyetem"
Nobel Prizes
- Ferenc Krausz - 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics
- Dénes Gábor (Dennis Gábor) - 1971 Nobel Prize in Physics
- György Oláh (George Oláh) - 1994 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
- Jenő Wigner (Eugene Wigner) - 1963 Nobel Prize in Physics
Brief description
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) is a top higher education institution of Hungary and it also has well-established international reputation. The BME was founded in 1782 under the name of Institutum Geometrico-Hydrotechnicum. The basic task of the BME is to provide engineering education. However, we also offer high quality courses in various aspects of economics, natural sciences and humanities. Our faculties in the order of their founding are: Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences. The eight faculties have their individual characteristics but they all aim at outstanding educational results. The qualified professionals have strong technological and scientific base knowledge and economical skills and are also able to apply structural approaches to various processes. In our institution besides Hungarian language there are opportunities to study in foreign languages (mainly in English).
Latest stats (2019)*
- Full-time lecturers and researchers: 1 011 (FTE, in total)
Number of students: 20 152
- Postgraduate: 4 280 (MSc/MA) + 582 (PhD)
- Undergraduate: 12 296 (BSc/BA) + 1 043 (5-year MSc)
- Number of international students: 2 233 (in total)
Average net salary of graduate students in second quarter:
- 2 years after graduation: 367 993 HUF (1 014 EUR)
- 3 years after graduation: 419 044 HUF (1 154 EUR)
- 4 years after graduation: 460 755 HUF (1 269 EUR)
- 5 years after graduation: 535 225 HUF (1 474 EUR)
- National average gross salary per month in 2018: 329 000 HUF (906 EUR)
Source: Facts and Figures on the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (2019/2020)
* (Last update: 03-11-2020)
To check our university's current position in several well known rankings, please visit: BME in international and domestic rankings
For more detailed facts about the university read: Facts and Figures on the Budapest University of Technology and Economics