2023. June 14.
SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket has launched the Transporter 8 mission from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California (USA) with BME’s MRC-100 satellite on board.
2023. June 14.
SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket has launched the Transporter 8 mission from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California (USA) with BME’s MRC-100 satellite on board.
2023. June 13.
Products of an enterprise partly owned by the university can remotely control autonomous vehicles with driving skills surpassing that of a professional driver.
2023. June 07.
The John von Neumann Professorship and Honorary Doctor titles also awarded at the ceremonial session of BME’s Senate.
2023. June 07.
BME researchers work with the German Environment Agency on a project about circular economy within the confines of the INTERREG Central Europe Programme.
2023. May 23.
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) is fully eligible to participate in Horizon Europe projects.
2023. May 23.
The Center for World University Rankings (CWUR) examined more than 20,000 higher education institutions. Based on the education metric, BME is 215th in the world.
2023. May 23.
The university is committed to cooperating with all members of the European research area.
2023. May 17.
At the initiative of BME and with the moral support of the OTDT, the 72-year-old Hungarian scientific student circle, which is an important element of Hungarian higher education goes international.
2023. May 16.
Interview about the City AI intelligent transportation system, developed in the MEDIANETS lab of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics at BME.
2023. May 15.
BME researchers work with the German Environment Agency on a project about circular economy within the confines of the INTERREG Central Europe Programme.
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